Get excited everyone!
We bumped up our Weekly Ruff Draft to Tuesday this week due to a special announcement that will be made very soon!
(Stay tuned for our most exciting news yet!!!)
Sooooooo with that said…. we are still celebrating Back to School, and wanted to show you some
more ways to use our SCHOOL DAY Printable Design Collection.
I told Maureen that I thought it would be fun to show you a healthy treat table – and also get organized for our busy back to school weeks ahead. At my house… cupcakes, candies and cookies are for special occasions only. As much as we LOVE our sweets, we also love healthy treats as well! A girlfriend of mine actually taught me a really helpful way to eliminate after school snack wars. For those of you who have school-age kids… they come home hungry, tired and need a quick pick-me-up. I have found that most days we get into an argument over what the snack options are (due to cranky, tired kids) 🙂
My girlfriend pre-makes daily snacks – stores them in her cupboard, and allows her kids to choose the snack they want for the day. I love this concept, and wanted to show you how to do it “Ruff Style”.
*This would be a fun activity for a play-date as well! Have several of your girlfriends and their kids come over and make their weekly snacks!
(or make them for yourself to take to work! This doesn’t have to be just for kids!)
Supplies Needed:
1. SCHOOL DAY Printable Design Collection (print the blank labels & trim, and *print/use any other pages if you want to put up for decor)
2. Variety of healthy snack choices, separated into containers (we used glass canning jars)
Snacks used: Popcorn, sesame sticks, sunflower nuts, pumpkin seeds, yogurt covered bananas, mixed nuts (almonds & walnuts), pistachios, cranberries, dark chocolate raisins, granola, snapea crisps
3. Daily (M-F) containers to hold mixed snacks (we used plastic containers – other options would be Ziploc bags or glass containers)
4. Markers/Pens to write on blank Labels
The Healthy Snack Bar
*For Playdate or Trail Mix Party: I printed the letters “Healthy” from the party logos that are in the “School Day” printable collection. The backing of the top banner is reversed cupcake liners taped onto (scalloped-cut) coffee filters. I also printed “Snack Week” from the pennant banner portion of the collection.
I printed out the measuring tape graphics, taped around the lips of the jars, and taped on my personalized ingredients.
Healthy Snack Week Banner and Trail Mix Jars (above)
Creating Your Weekly Snack Containers:
1: To start the project, first I had the girls write Monday – Friday, and their names on each label.
(we prefer to use http://www.onlinelabels.com/OL713.htm)
2. Next – they peeled off the sticker backing, and put on each plastic lid of their snack containers – you can also put labels on ziplock bags, if you don’t want weekly storage containers)
3. Here comes the fun part – I told the girls to go pick out their favorite snacks and put on their trays to begin their “weekly snack creations”.
They could fill each day with whatever ingredients they wanted, as long as it was proportionate (I didn’t let them just fill with dark chocolate raisins for example… they needed to mix in other fun goodies).

(Brynne wanted to write-out each week day… and since Grayce is still learning to write, she chose to just use daily abbreviations)
- They each filled their containers with totally different combinations – it was really quite fascinating to watch what they picked!
4. Once they filled their Monday – Friday containers, they sealed them up and put them away. (I did let them sneak a few bites before storing in the cupboards)
So fun… so easy… and the best part is that the kids created them, and won’t be throwing a fit when it is time to grab their snacks after school!
Let them enjoy these snacks with a piece of fresh fruit, or small piece of cheese and this should last them until dinner time! It provides a healthy pick-me-up before homework – or even extra-curricular activities, without Mom having to be involved!
If you found this article useful, please leave us a comment or share with others! WE LOVE FEEDBACK!
Get your “SCHOOL DAY” Printable Collection here. (On Sale!)
Fabulous post!!!
Great ideas!
My daughter starts kindergarten in just a few weeks and this will be a fantastic activity to get her excited about it!
Genius! With 4 children (3 who are school age) every tip / trick to help streamline my days helps.
What a great way to end whining and help them become more self sufficient. Brilliant!
awesome ideas!!! will definitely make this for my girls 🙂 love your posts!!! xoxo
Love this!
Great idea that will save many after school tears!!!
This is great! Do you plan to make filling the containers a weekly event?
Think this is awesome, was trying to find something to take for after school, just great. Thanks