We have been having so much fun coming up with new ideas for this year’s Mustache Valentine Collection! Today, we wanted to show off the newest Valentine Card- A secret message valentine with DIY decoder template! The package includes a blue and pink Valentine Card that says, “I spy a secret message” (with a CUSTOMIZED secret message in the red rectangle) along with the DIY decoder template.
The decoder template is easy to follow, and you only need a few supplies to make it!
– Printable Secret Message Card and Decoder Template (printed on cardstock or photopaper)
– Scissors
– Red Cellophane Wrap
– Paper Glue
– Hole Punch
– Brad *optional
1. Trim paper so that each template is separated. (2 decoders and one film template)
2. Fold one decoder template in half and trim out decoder shape.
3. Once outside shape is cut, trim inside circle (while pieces are folded in half). I used a hole punch to start the cut… it makes it easier!
4. Next using the red film template, trim a piece of red cellophane wrap.
5. Glue or tape cellophane inside of one side of the decoder (I used hot glue)
6. Then glue or tape other side of decoder so it is permanently closed shut.
If you want to attach the decoder to the valentine card, use a hold punch and secure it to the card with a brad. If you place the decoder about 3/4″ down, the decoder can read the entire message when you swing it from side to side.
What will your secret message be? Hope you love these as much as we do!
Find our Mustache Valentine’s Day Collection of items in the shop here.