When she sent photos to us, I was thrilled to see all of the cute details! She did an amazing job!
Here is the invitation style that she sent out for the party.
Her details are so adorable! Check out the sign that was on the gates as you entered the party…
Her food buffet looks so adorable! We had designed a custom banner for Drake’s party, and she hung the banner over the food buffet.
I love how she used the water bottle wraps for her sauces (see the bottom left corner of the photo)
Here is her cute setup with treats. She did lollipops with the party logo we designed, and I love the wording she used for her foods. Duckfingers (butterfingers), duckheads (lemonheads), duckfruits …. too cute!
Here is her setup for the drinks. The water bottles look so cute! Her lemonade dispenser looks adorable with the food label we designed for her. I especially love how the sippy cup matches her color scheme! Details, details!The banner hung above the food buffet….
She also used the extra banner pennants that we include with our designs to create a mini banner on the porch. I love how she included a photo of Drake in one of the pennants!
Her little kiddie table setup looks adorable, too!
The rubber duckie party in action.
Perfectly fitting duckie pinata!
I love how the kiddies are decked out in yellow and blue. Here is Drake, the birthday boy!
Digging into the cake!
What an adorable family! Thank you for sharing, Mar!
Rubber Duckie invitation and accessories available in our shop!
Beautiful party and family!
soo cute!
What an ADORABLE party!!!