Our friends at AR Workshop have put together the most adorable idea for some extra Easter magic this year! Now the Easter Bunny can hop down the bunny trail and right through your front door, leaving a trail of footprints for proof he was there! Follow this simple DIY bunny footstep trail tutorial to create your own Easter morning magic! AR Workshop has provided a free link to a downloadable bunny footstep template at the end of this post! Lead family and friends to their Easter baskets with a trail of bunny footsteps! Get ready for plenty of squeals of delight and lots of Easter morning smiles! Add this to your tried and true Easter traditions.
The steps for this DIY are easy! First, get the free DIY bunny feet template so you can create your own bunny feet trail for Easter! You will want to print out a copy (we recommend using sturdy cardstock). Next, use scissors to cut out the feet. Then, using either sifted flour or powder, lightly sprinkle the white powder over the template, leaving a set of bunny footprints and repeating until the footprints reach your desired location.
Voila! Easter magic and proof that the Easter bunny has paid a visit to your home!