If you are ready to see a fresh take on a Lego Party or building brick themed party, you are in the right place. Our sweet friend and client, Emma Riedel of Me & Riley in Dubai always comes up with the freshest and most chic looking parties, both for boys and girls! I absolutely LOVE what she did for these recent Lego Parties that she planned.
I love the use of the primary colors like Lego always uses – red, blue, yellow and green. The fun lanterns paired with the adorable pillows for the kids to sit on… it is perfect! I love the modern red and white striped cups (and of course the building brick party printables that went with the theme!)
Oh, and if you follow us on Instagram then you know we love to repost fab party photo? Be sure to follow Me & Riley here!
She just posted a photo of a dessert table from another fabulous Lego Party that Emma helped with…. The owner of Blossom Sweets in Abu Dhabi had this theme for her sons! (Adorable, right!?)
Of course you have to have activities, and I love the idea of a Tower Building contest! You can use Lego, Duplo, Mega Blocks or any type of building bricks are perfect for boys and girls.
Great job, Emma!
Be sure to check out Emma on her website and facebook.
Also, her product shop is called Chase That Party for fabulous party decor and supplies, too! Available for shipment in the UAE.