School Time! We have had so many requests for “back to school”, “teacher appreciation week” and “school graduation” that we knew that a project related to school would be a priority at the end of summer.
We recently designed a full collection of printable graphics (The School Day Collection) that are perfect for back to school, organization throughout the year, class parties, teacher appreciation, graduation and everything else in between.
We styled this photoshoot at an 1890 One Room Schoolhouse in Huntersville, North Carolina. It had been preserved and is used for field trips and other events. We used the space to show a fun “school day” play date or party. We loved the classic old “school” vibe that went along great with our new printable School Day collection. Our fabulous photographer, Becca Bond, came along to capture all the details (as always!)
The kids were amazed by the old school house. They loved learning about everything from why the children had slate boards, the real chalkboards (literally – horizontal boards that were nailed to the wall), the old school connected desk to the wood burning stove for heat. No computers, smart boards or anything like that!
Our kids (Jeffrey and Grayce) were models as well as 2 other adorable little girls. We can’t wait to share all of the photos (and the details) of the shoot….
We had one of our fabulous sponsors, Made by Morgan, design custom clothing for the models. She did such a great job!
We wanted to show the best way to use our printable collection. (On Sale in the shop!) Of course we had to show the models and the “classic” school day antics.
We refurbished an old school desk and embellished it with “ABC” Pennant banners and all of the props needed to relay a “school day” theme. (Stacks of books, Globe, Pencil Cases, Apples (with party logo embellishment), Books and more). Our location had school desks for all of the children to sit at for their lunches.
Do you like what is written on the chalkboard? (“I will not pull Janes Hair”)….. How about the paper airplanes?
We even had a class pet, Elroy. So cute, right!? Adria’s sister was visiting and brought her turtle, so we HAD to have him in the shoot after she suggested it!
Throughout the shoot, we showed how to use some of the printables. Here we show the printable party logos (used as apple toppers here!), banner and party labels…
Book plates and book marks are a necessity!
Also, the luggage tag… (which we wrote about before – the free printable to coordinate with this collection)
The collection also includes plenty of variety of labels and notecards. The “a little note” printable is perfect for anything from notes to the teacher to excuse letters from home, lunch box notes and more.
Label all your school supplies! A MUST! Grayce enjoyed writing “Jane” on all of the supplies. (Jane was our “mock model name”)
We embellished some items (Chalkboard eraser, etc) with our patterned papers.
All of the supplies needed for a great school year!
Lunch Time! We created fun packaged lunches to show how you can make lunch even more special. We wrapped sandwiches in waxed paper and twine and embellished it with our printables. Apples were stuck into cupcake wrappers that we filled with some natural shred and added a printable party flag. We also included some cookies and pretzels in a cello bag and topped it off with a bag topper that has spaces to check off descriptive words for the foods inside (Salty, sweet, delicious, healthy, etc) We wrapped the juice boxes with the ABC patterned papers. We used our printable party logo as an embellishment for the striped straws.
Firefly Confections provided the CUTEST cookies for this theme. I love how they turned out!
In the printable collection is a milk carton template that is perfect for a special school snack!
Cute bag toppers say “enjoy your snack” and you can check off attributes about the food. Salty, sweet? Healthy? Delicious? Juicy? etc! The kids had fun choosing the right words to describe the foods.
Cute blank 2″ party logos are great for writing a little note to your child…
We showed a vintage lunch tray with all the good healthy foods. We had to include this vintage thermos (Adria’s) with a straw and logo used as a straw topper. See, all of these ideas would be great for a party, too!
Another precious cookie shot…..
The collection includes favor tags (To/From hangtags) – perfect for a little gift to the teacher or friends at a school themed party or appreciation week.
We also displayed fresh daisies in old glass milk containers and embellished the containers with twine and our printable designs.
Bookmarks galore! Lots of options to keep our kids reading!
Jeffrey was for SURE the class clown!
Getting into trouble…. throwing paper airplanes (LOVE that shot!), teasing the girls with the turtle… and ending up in the corner with a dunce cap on! Jeffrey was a great sport!
I love these shots of one of our models…. Madison. How fun would this be at a party –
Have contest to see who could walk while balancing a stack of books on their head across the room. Fun and totally fits the theme!
Aren’t the clothes precious!? Morgan did a great job!
The kids enjoyed classic games like jump rope, jax, paper airplanes, chase/tag and more!
Jeffrey LOVED the turtle and Grayce loved showing off all of the cute printables.
We hope you enjoyed the School Day collection as much as we did!
Thanks to all of our fabulous models, Becca Bond and our Design Editor, Becky, for helping out!
The Printable “School Day” Collection includes everything you need for a great year! Get organized, get fancy….
Find it in our shop on sale here. Get organized!
Complete Event Styling, Graphic Design and Printables – Anders Ruff Custom Designs
Photography – Becca Bond Photography
Packaging and Decor:
Cupcake Wrappers – Bella Cupcake Couture
Clear Candy Packaging and Cello Bags – Nashville Wraps
Label Material – OnlineLabels.com
Sugar Cookies – Firefly Confections
Clothing – Made By Morgan
Grayce’s Shoes – Monkey Toes
P.S. We would LOVE to see any parties using these printables! Send them our way!
Everything looks beautiful. 🙂
Well you did it again! I absolutely love this and must have it! I can’t wait to use it in a myriad of ways! I love all of your designs and keep coming back to purchase more. In fact I just purchased your Halloween special. Now I have to buy this one! You guys rule!!
i love this website
it is so nice
My mom is all over your website, but today I took a peek and i’ve LOVED YOUR STUFF!!!!! Great job!!! 😀
Thanks for creating such a wonderful site. this site was not only knowledgeable but also very stimulating too. We find very few people who can think to create not so easy articles that creatively. I search for articles on a subject like this. I have gone in detail through dozens of blogs to come across know how about this.Looking to many more from your site !!
I used these last year & will again this year too! Love them! I’m making a pencil bouquet again with the teacher pencil stickers.