We are SO excited to share some special treats that we created for Grumpy Cat’s 2nd Birthday Party! Last week we shared the news that Friskies Party Mix picked us to take on the task of trying to make Grumpy Cat’s 2nd Birthday extra special (Do you think we can get Grumpy Cat to smile!?). I shared my Grumpy Frown #1MMGrumpyFrowns and we know lots of you submitted your grumpiest frown, too!
Don’t forget to submit your photo making a grumpy frown via instagram or on the Friskies Party Mix website to win a 2 night trip for 2 to NYC to attend Grumpy Cat’s exclusive birthday celebration! Use #1MMGrumpyFrowns
Today, I’d love you to tell us which of these treats for Grumpy Cat you think she will like best! Be sure to leave your comment on the blog below.
Grumpy Cat’s Treat #1: The “Purrrrfect Kitty Chow” Treat
We brainstormed the BEST treat for Grumpy’s party and immediately KNEW we had to make a much sweeter version of Grumpy’s day to day food. Kitty Chow seemed like the best option to have at Grumpy’s party! Make that the “purrrrfect” kitty chow because it includes chocolate, peanut butter and sugar! How can you be grumpy when you’ve got sugar!?
You might remember “puppy chow” from growing up (using Chex Muddy Buddies recipe). We did something similar but used Kix to resemble small pieces of cat food! Read on for the recipe….
1) Melt the butter, peanut butter and chocolate together. Stir.2) Pour over the Kix
3-4) Stir until all of the Kix are coated
5) Pour powdered sugar into a ziploc bag
6) Scoop the chocolate coated Kix into the bag
7) Shake around until its all coated
8) Pour onto a cookie sheet to dry.
Grumpy Cat’s Treat #2: “Paws off” Cookies
Every party needs cookies so we made chocolate covered oreos and added a cute royal icing paw to the tops. Keep your paws off the cookies, they are Grumpy Cat’s cookies! 😉
Grumpy Cat’s Treat #3: “Meow Milk”
You can’t serve Grumpy Cat cookies without milk, right!? Cats LOVE milk and so of course we had to serve milk at Grumpy Cat’s 2nd Birthday Party! This isn’t your ordinary milk, though…. we are talking a sprinkle and chocolate rimmed glass of milk! Now that is milk fit for Grumpy Cat’s party!
Of course Grumpy Cat will probably want this Meow Milk after eating her Friskies Party Mix, too!
These are SO easy to make, too! Read on below:
1) Melt the chocolate in a ramekin
2-3) Dip the rim of the glass into the chocolate
4) Dip the wet chocolate rimmed glass into sprinkles.
Grumpy Cat’s Treat #4: Yarn Ball Topped Cupcakes
If Grumpy Cat isn’t in the mood for cupcakes, I’m sure you could lure her in with a tempting ball of yarn on top of the sweet little party cupcakes, right!? More than likely if she goes after the yarn ball, she’ll at least get a taste of the cupcakes, right?
I think Grumpy Cat looks a little less grumpy next to the cute cupcake, don’t you!? (Wishful thinking!)
So question for you… which is your favorite treat for Grumpy Cat’s party!? The Purrrrrfect Kitty Chow, The “Paws off” cookies, Meow Milk or the Yarn Ball Cupcakes? Leave a comment below!
We are excited to be a part of Grumpy Cat’s 2nd Birthday and hope you take on the Grumpy Frown Challenge! (Enter via instagram or the Friskies Party mix website posting a pic of yourself and your grumpy frown along with #1MMGrumpyFrowns to enter to win a 2 day trip for 2 to NYC)
This is a sponsored post however all opinions are our own (of course!).
So cute! I love the Kitty Litter Idea!
How hilarious…. Maureen – your grumpy frown is classic. I think Grumpy would love the yarn ball cupcake!
😉 My vote is yarn ball cupcake!
Grumpy will LOVE those paws off cookies!
I love the yarn ball topped cupcakes.. but that “chocolate” milk is pretty clever too! Grumpy better turn that frown upside down from all the effort going into his 2nd bday!