Ruff Draft: We’ve Been Love Struck (by Cupid) FREE PRINTABLE

Are you in the mood for love?  We are making Cupid’s Valentines today with a FREE Printable “We’ve Been Love Struck” (by cupid) printable set! Are you familiar with the friendly gift/treat giving tradition {usually done in neighborhoods} of  “We’ve Been Booed” or “We’ve Been Elfed“?  Well, after several  Valentine requests we have decided to […]


2nd Annual Gingerbread House Making (The easy way)

If you follow us on instagram (follow us @andersruff), you probably know we were up to gingerbread house making yesterday. We were pretty “snowed in” here, so this was a great Christmas eve eve eve day activity! Last year, we started making “gingerbread houses” with the kids. I thought age 4 and 7 was a […]


Ruff Draft: Christmas Racking (Random Acts of Christmas Kindness)

Who has the Christmas spirit?  We do, we do!  Today I am sharing with you a recent charity project I did with my oldest daughter, Brynne and her friends.  If you haven’t heard of “Racking”, then you will love this fabulous gift of “paying it forward”. Just so you know, RACK = random acts of […]


HOT Holiday Discounts and HUGE Giveaway

There’s a quote by an unknown author that says “Christmas is a race to see which gives out first – your wallet or your feet“and it seems to be so true and intensify year to year.  It can be a stressful, exhausting, and expensive time of the year sucking all the holiday joy right out […]


Ruff Draft: Gold Pumpkins Galore

It’s Halloween week, and to celebrate we thought it would be fun to show off the latest gold trend, doing it up – pumpkin style!  We have been loving GOLD this year, especially incorporating it with classic holidays!  And let me tell you…. gold spray paint + pumpkins of any kind = Gold Pumpkins Galore!  You […]


Ruff Draft: Burlap Acorns for the Fall

The leaves are starting to change here in the Carolinas along with acorns falling on the ground.  Now is the perfect time to make this simple DIY burlap acorn craft!  This is a new twist and a great accessory to the burlap pumpkins that are the latest trend. The natural element of using real acorns […]


Ruff Draft: DIY Chevron Wrapping Paper and Chevron Stamp

  Today is a great day to celebrate!  Why?  Because it is October 2, and it’s my birthday (my last year in my 30’s, to be exact).  I wanted to post something birthday related, so we thought it would be fun to show DIY Chevron Wrapping Paper and Chevron Stamp!  I love receiving gifts, and […]


Ruff Draft: Trick or Treat Glow Stick Tote

  We are loving glow sticks and wanted to show you a clever way to light up your Trick or Treat bags this year!  This DIY project is perfect for any age and is so simple to make!  Maureen thought of this Trick or Treat Glow Stick Tote, and I think you will love it […]


Ruff Draft: DIY Bubble Wand American Girl Style

We are making diy bubble wands today to go along with our latest Birthday Girl Doll Collection inspired by the ever so popular American Girl Dolls. If you missed our American Girl Doll inspired styled photoshoot, click here to see the full party details!  We created this party for our sweet client Yolanda, from Kiss […]


Giveaway: Glue Dots New Refillable Desktop Dispenser and Refill Rolls

There’s good glue, there’s bad glue, and then there’s Glue Dots®.  As a mess-free, easy-to-use, no-dry-time bonding product it’s in a field all of it’s own and invaluable to any crafter young or old!  As an answer to Glue Dots® customers wanting a way to easily dispense and store their rolled Glue Dots® products they are […]


Ruff Draft: DIY Button Necklaces and Headbands for Doll Parties

Today we are crafting button necklaces and headbands for birthday girls and their dolls!  We created a Birthday Girl Doll Party, for our favorite Australian client, Yolanda Cerra (aka. Kiss Me Kate) a few months ago and wanted to show you the perfect craft for this particular theme.  We used shades of pinks and reds […]


Ruff Draft: DIY Teacher Survival Kit

We have been gearing up for the Back to School Season over here in the Ruff household… printing supplies lists, shopping school specials and figuring out what to do for our new school year teachers!  We asked some teacher friends what they like getting as classroom gifts and their response was:  practical goodies!  So we […]


Ruff Draft: How to Make Tissue Paper Fringe Tassles

I recently made fringe tassle garland for Brynne’s Insta-Party Birthday – it was so easy, inexpensive and actually quicker than I thought it would be.  My daughter and her friends loved it, and Brynne even helped me make the tassles!  I thought it would be fun to show you how to make these fringe tassles out […]


Party Favors made with Silhouette Studio Software

About once a month Silhouette runs some really great promotions making it the opportune time to cash in your chips and buy one of these sweet little “miracle” machines.  As luck would have it, a promotion is happening right now, but ending Wednesday, July 10th, so you have to hurry if you want to catch […]


Ruff Draft: DIY Tissue Paper Flower from our Birthday Girl Doll Party

Is everyone ready for the 4th of July?  We celebrated America just last week, in a non-traditional way with a very important Australian family. We threw the sweetest American Girl Doll inspired birthday party for one of our best Australian clients, Yolanda Cerra (a.k.a Kiss Me Kate) and her 5 year old daughter, Neveah!  We […]
