Alden’s 3rd Firetruck Birthday Party

Calling all firefighters to the station! It’s time to share Alden’s 3rd birthday celebration!  My dear friend, Kathryn (the editor of My Mommie Made It), celebrated her son’s 3rd birthday recently. I am excited to share with you her party details. She sent out Anders Ruff invitations to set the tone for her party…. Kathryn […]


DIY Tutorial & Printable: Egg-Shaped Old Fashioned Candy Buttons

  DIY Tutorial: Egg Shaped Candy Buttons Did you see our feature on our Easter Has Sprung Collection photo shoot yesterday? We had many comments asking how to make the old fashioned candy buttons. Simple! Materials: – Copy Paper (Cut into 4″x5″ rectangles or whatever size you prefer) – Printed Egg Stencil Shape (Download yours […]


This Week’s Giveaway: I Pine for Twine

“Wrap It Up” by the group the Fabulous Thunderbirds was the tune that popped in to my head as I sat down to type this post. Why? Because today’s giveaway from The Twinery will have you wrapping things up with twine all of the time! Before we get down to the business of the giveaway, […]


Rainbow Arts/Painting Party Sneak Peek

Our fabulous design editor, Caryn, is having her daughter’s 6th birthday party tomorrow at an awesome ceramics painting studio. Art Space Studio…. So cool. Elyse LOVES rainbows and painting, so Caryn wanted to have a Rainbow Painting party… perfect! We designed a complete printable design collection for her party and are now offering it in […]


Free Printable Kids Craft – Thanksgiving Placemats

Gobble Gobble – it’s Thanksgiving Week!!! We wanted to share with you some festive ideas for the upcoming holiday. Two years ago, I asked my children to draw some Thanksgiving Hand Turkeys, and to write an “I am Thankful for” message to our family. I liked the artwork so much, that I decided to turn […]


Clowning Around Under the Big Tent!

Jennifer Ho, a client and fellow Etsy seller, created magic for her son Stephen’s birthday. Jennifer is über talented, in fact, I am so impressed with her Etsy shops (that’s right, she has two), that I want to gush over those first. Jennifer sells her adorable line of children’s clothing at Minimoo Handmade , AND […]


Halloween Hijinks Courtesy of Danielle at A Few of My Favorite Things

Danielle from A Few Of My Favorite Things is one of OUR favorite things (er, people) and she recently posted on her blog a DIY tutorial for a spooktacular playdate or Halloween party that will have your tots squealing with glee and leave their mommies green with envy! Danielle used our Happy Halloween Printable Collection […]


A Sweet Cupcake Birthday Party

Remember how I posted about the DIY balloon wreath tutorial on How Does She? Um… just WAIT until you see how cute it turned out for a fabulous client of ours, Holly. She matched the balloons to her party and it turned out ADORABLE! Holly contacted us about our sweet shop invitations. She loved our […]


Giveaway: BIG Party Package from Crossroads Cottage

This is a big one, people. (over $114, people!) If you haven’t noticed, I love pinwheels and Adria does, too. (Remember Jeffrey’s pool party? That was featured on Hostess with the Mostess blog) Shana, the mastermind and creative paper genius behind Crossroads Cottage, contacted us a bit ago because she loved our Clowning Around Invitation […]


Pretty, Pretty Tape

Ever since I was tee-tiny, I had an obsession with paper, stickers and tape. The only thing I would ask Santa for as a little girl was “paper”. Well, if only I had THESE puppies back then! I came across these while doing a little research for a giveaway (hint, hint). Have you seen/used Japanese […]


Paper Flower Centerpieces – DIY

I fell in LOVE with this idea over by Breanna at Our Life Right Now (BreNotes) blog. She threw a super cute shower with some really special and unique (and handmade!) touches. The centerpieces and tiered personal cake trays are what got me! Check out some of the photos: She shows a tutorial on how […]


Giveaway: Free Personalized Tee from Little Uni

A client and friend of mine, Suysel, surprised me with the most ADORABLE baby gift when Pierson was born. A super sweet and chic personalized little tee from Little Uni. I was hooked! Suysel is a huge fan of Little Uni and she is definitely a go-to source for all things trendy when it comes […]


Birthday Party Hats with Poms

…so we had many comments come in about our party hats from Grayce’s party last week – and I wanted to give you a quick “How To” make them. They were sooo easy and they are such a fun element to add to your party details! Here are the basic concepts: 1. Cut out the […]


Featured on Martha Stewart’s Dreamers Into Doers – Part 2

…So two days in a row – being featured on Martha’s dreamers into Doers website! Yay!!! This time she featured these cute peanut butter bees that Maureen made for her son’s first Beeday Party! (We sell the invitations & other matching items . . . check them out if you haven’t already! – so cute!!!) […]


Around the World Birthday Party

Karee, a super sweet client of ours, is quite the party planner (and mighty detail oriented, I might add!) She came up with an adorable theme for her daughter’s birthday party. She had an “Around the World” party. We designed invitations for her (airplane boarding passes) and a load of other graphic items, which we […]
