AR Workshop DIY Christmas in July

Getting a jump start on Christmas is where it’s at! At AR Workshop, July is the second most wonderful time of the year. It’s the time when some of the holiday season’s new project types are released so you can DIY Christmas before the hustle and bustle of the busy Christmas season arrives.Why not craft […]


2023 Owners’ Retreat: AR Workshop

If you love DIY and have ever dreamed of opening your own DIY home decor business, you won’t want to miss this recap of the 2023 AR Workshop Owner’s Retreat! Recently, AR Workshop franchisees traveled from all over the country to join together in Fort Mill, SC for the 2023 annual owners’ retreat! With most of the […]


Enchanted Forest DIY Prom Dinner Party

It’s prom season, and many teens are choosing to buck tradition by foregoing the usual restaurant dining on prom night. Instead, they are opting to host sophisticated DIY prom dinner parties from home. Teens are saying “no” to stressful reservation-making (which often limits group size and restaurant options), skyrocketing fine dining prices, limited menus, long […]


New DIY Wedding Decor Collection from AR Workshop

It’s time to plan for your perfect wedding day with help from our team at AR Workshop!  The AR Workshop DIY wedding collection was just recently refreshed, and we are sharing it with you today! You can sign up for a workshop to customize your own wedding decor. No time to DIY? Let AR Workshop […]


2023 AR Workshop Summer Art Camp–Register Now!

We are barely seeing signs of spring, but summer is just around the corner! Plan early for summer fun for your children and teens! Registration for the 2023 AR Workshop summer art camps is now open! Our team at AR Workshop is so excited about an all-new camp series for 2023! This new lineup of […]


New DIY Spring Home Decor Projects from AR Workshop

Does it still feel like winter in your neck of the woods? It is still cold where I live. I couldn’t be any more ready for spring! How about you? If you are anything like me, you may be feeling anxious to put the doldrums of winter behind you! You’re in luck! Today I have […]


New DIY Home Decor Project Release from AR Workshop

The holidays are a distant memory. If the winter blues have found you post-holiday, we have something to brighten your mood! You’re invited to book a DIY workshop with our sister company, AR Workshop! Come create something beautiful for your home or office! If you follow AR Workshop on Facebook or Instagram, you may have […]


New at AR Workshop: Candle Pouring Workshops

Have you heard the news? AR Workshop has introduced candle pouring to their workshop schedules! If you’ve never created your own candles, now is your chance! Our team at AR Workshop introduced DIY candle pouring workshops to the workshop schedule in select markets, but they are so excited to bring them to workshops nationwide!  DIY […]


Easy Hostess Gift Idea

This holiday season, trend reports indicated two strong themes: traditions & gathering. Gatherings are kind of our thing at AR Workshop and Anders Ruff Custom Desings. We love hosting all kinds of parties at our homes and craft nights at the workshop and having you all join us! To be honest though, we really love […]


Hot Cocoa Mug Gift Idea

Trying to come up with the perfect affordable gift idea for some special people on your Christmas gift list? Create a cup of cheer with this hot cocoa mug gift idea! Hot cocoa is a winter staple and makes a versatile gift! Thank you to our sister company, AR Workshop, for sharing this darling idea. […]


AR Workshop DIY Centerpiece Box Styled 3 Ways

We’re sharing styling inspiration for anyone who has made or is planning to DIY one of the Christmas centerpiece boxes at an AR Workshop. Today’s tutorial will teach you three unique centerpiece styles for the holidays! Chances are good that you already own most of the needed supplies! Check your Christmas decor stash for starters! Your […]


AR Workshop Tutorial: DIY Boho Candy Cane Ornament

If you’re anything like us or our crew at AR Workshop, you’re already decorating for the holidays! We happen to think that holiday crafting is the best! Join us in DIYing your own boho candy cane ornaments with our easy-to-follow tutorial! Gather materials needed: Cording Embroidery floss or yarn Floral wire Gold wire twine Scissors […]


Affordable DIY Holiday Gift Ideas from AR Workshop

The holiday season can put a serious strain on the pocketbook with what seems like endless gift giving! We’re sharing a few affordable DIY holiday gift ideas that don’t scrimp on style, but also won’t break the bank. Tea towel + hand soap Loved ones will love a gift to spruce up their kitchen for […]


New AR Workshop Project Alert: Textured Art

Breaking news! AR Workshops near you are offering a brand new DIY home decor project type, and it’s already a winner! This incredible new offering is texture art projects, and you’re going to love it! Think of this as a modern twist to the traditional workshop projects! This new project involves using stencils and textured […]


Thanksgiving Table Decor and Centerpiece Ideas

You may still be putting away ghosts & jack-o-lanterns, or perhaps you’ve already started decorating for Christmas. Either way, today our friends at AR Workshop are sharing some fun ways for gearing up for Thanksgiving!  If you’ve been with us for a while, you already know how much Maureen & Adria love to host and […]
