One of our favorite clients, Jenn, had a recent Lingerie Bridal shower we wanted to share with you! (Thanks Jenn – you are the best!!!)
The envelope seals were designed to put on the backside of the envelope to tie the invite mailer together.
Jenn found other great uses for her envelope seal design . . . she cut them out and taped them to glasswear for party logos!
Jenn also wanted to label her treats- so we designed custom food labels to match!
The matching water bottle labels were also designed by us!
And Jenn sent her guests off with party favors of scented lotions & other goodies!
We have had some really great requests to customize this invitation for other bridal showers . . . check them out!
The next client wanted to throw a kitchen & lingerie party . . . what a clever idea on her wording for the invite! We just love how this one turned out!!!
(The matching enclosure card for the bride’s lingerie measurements)
We have also had requests for simple bridal gown graphics, engagement rings & champagne glasses