First of all, check out the adorable birthday boy, Ryder….
I love these balloons on his special high chair!
Customized labels for glass milk containers for the guests to drink from…
Ryder’s Birthday (1% in the middle – he was turning 1!)
Choose your type of milk! (LOVE this setup in the tin bucket)
Cake, drink and favor table…. Can you say CUTE. The cake is my favorite! The “cookies” on top of the cakes are what Ryder used for his smash cake! (Creative!) Kay did it ALL herself. Including baking the cake, making the cookies, etc! (except the oreo ones, of course)
We designed the banner that hung over Ryder’s adorable cookie-dessert bar! I love the brown and neutral poms hung in the background. Such a fun way to jazz up a backdrop!
Look at all of the yummy cookie flavors Kay had for the guests.
The favors were adorable. Inside each box was a custom fortune cookie with a personalized message. The “lucky numbers” were Ryder’s birthdate!
Kay did an amazing job. What a beautiful party and family!
We were super inspired about this milk and cookies theme so we designed an invitation and coordinating items. I just think it is such a fun and unique party, without being all character-y! (and who doesn’t LOVE cookies!?)
Here are the girl and boy versions….available in our shop!
Kay also had us create a custom thank you card. It turned out really cute! She came up with an adorable saying for the inside of the card. “Although too small to speak my mind, your thoughtful gift was oh so kind”. (She is creative, I tell you!)
Kay started a Facebook fan page with photos of some of her other cakes. She is a great cake artist! Wow! You can find her at “Garys Cakes by Kay” on Facebook.
I love everything you did!! Which website did you use to get the fortune cookies? I love that idea.. I’ve been racking my brain about creative favors. Also did you customize the 1% labels yourself or order them? Thanks so much!!!