Kate, a fabulous and wonderful client of ours, goes over the top with details when she plans a party. Her (adorable) sons have birthdays somewhat close together, so she get the double whammy in birthday planning. I’ll be sharing her other party as well!
For her son’s 1st birthday, she did a barnyard bash, and oh it was so cute. I’m going to post lots of pics for you to see!
We designed custom logos for her to use throughout the party. We didn’t have a barn invitation at the time, but have since gotten inspiration to do so. This is the design we currently have in our shop.
How fun is that?
Here are some of the logos that we designed for Kate:

You will see how she utilized our party logos throughout her party in the photos below.
It started by her using one of the logos (she had it resized larger) for a poster on the front door. So fun!
How cute are her napkins? (Cow bell and all!) You can see our logo on the chick feeder. Yes, I said chick feeder! She had little snacks for the kiddies setup in a CHICK feeder! How creative!
Here it is again, in use! I think that is so hilarious!
Party hats! Love how creative Kate is. She adorned the hat with our logo that we created custom for her party.
Look at how adorable her table was. She had eggs with the guests names on them. She used our logo for centerpieces and also on the cups. Another creative thing – she used the logo to make a napkin seal. I love it!
The tables looked so fitting! Love the balloons!
Here is a table with “chick feed”!
Xachariah’s Garden! Check out the logo on the dip! (plug, plug, pluggin shop.andersruff.com!) haha.
We all love Horizon Organic milk . . . and the cows on it just happen to go with her theme! I love the carrots sticking out of the little pots on the table. Look at the big ant on the table, too!
Look how cute her cupcakes and cakes are! I just love the cupcakes! Marshmallows for the sheep! AHH! I want a barn party!
We all know how much I love favors. I obsess over them. Well, I about died when I saw how cute her favors were!
Kate and her adorable boys . . . Xachariah blowing out the candles on his HUGE chick cake! LOVE the barn cake . . . LOOK!
Happy Birthday Xachariah! (So adorable wearing his logo adorned cow print hat!)
Thank you, Kate, for sharing all these wonderful ideas with us!!!