Here is the invitation design that we created custom for her….
I am loving the “G” (for Grace) out of jingle bells that she placed next to the framed invitation!

Here is an up close shot of the table settings… I am LOVING the detail! The adorable napkins wrapped with beautiful snowflakes…. layered plates, cute favor cracker with a doily and monogram….. the details are so perfect!
I LOVE the English cracker place cards! Shannon saw it on our sweet party planning friend, Kate Landers site. They are toilet paper rolls that you put goodies inside, wrap with tissue and wrap around with cute paper and embelish away! Tie ribbon on the sides and done! So adorable!
It creativity doesn’t stop there…. with this being a Snow Flake Princess party, Shannon created these princess wands! I love the bell, ribbon and snowflake! SUCH a creative idea. She used dowel rods to create these…. I bet the kids were in LOVE!

Check out the precious sweets table – Shannon made all the goodies! I want some of that Red Velvet! YUM!
Look at the adorable favors that the guests left with. Snowman Soup! (The perfect mix to create a yummy hot cocoa!)
Love the details! beauitful table and sweets!
so sweet!
Shannon ROCKED it!!! Grace is a lucky little girl, a perfect snowflake princess! It was all so very beautiful, seasonally appropriate, feminine & sweet! AMAZING JOB SHANNON!!!!
This is absolutely AMAZING!! Beautiful and perfect for a princess! Congrats Shannon!
So many great ideas here! Too cute!
UM…..I don't even know where to start. That was awesome stuff. I don't think I could a third of it. I mean WOW. You ladies are truly talented!
Adorable Party – makes me wish my girls were little again!