Hi everyone! I am sorry that it has been a tad quiet on the blog. Adria and I have been swamped with our new DIY Boutique Workshop, AR Workshop, that we opened a couple months ago in downtown Pineville, NC.
I wanted to announce some exciting news about a NEW AR Workshop licensed location coming to Greensboro, NC. Meet Missi Steel Martin, the new owner of the licensed store up in Greensboro. I met Missi awhile ago through a friend and she is amazingly talented (she has an interior design background and is part of the historical preservation of Greensboro, has restored historic homes, and much more!).
Once Missi heard about us opening AR Workshop, our boutique art studio (where you come and learn to make custom home decor from scratch as well as other specialty crafts and arts) she showed interest in hopping on board to license her own AR Workshop up in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Missi is a dreamer and a hard worker and within weeks had a space found in Greensboro and was ready for training! She came down last week and we spent a couple days training and planning. We had so much fun! This is such a therapeutic process and so rewarding and we are honored to have her be part of our AR Workshop family!
Stay tuned for us to announce her website schedule! She hopes to open early November! For now, you can find AR Workshop Greensboro on Facebook and Instagram, as well!
AR Workshop Greensboro will offer our cool wood framed signs (and oversized versions like below!), canvas pillows, custom canvas and wood wall hangings, plank signs and more!
We can’t wait for her to open! Congrats, Missi!
Check us out at www.arworkshop.com to see our schedule of workshops and read more about our mission!