Halloween is such an incredibly fun time, but it can be a bit tricky to mix the perfect amount of spook and spectacular for little ones. Brenda, owner of Great Stitch, managed to brew up the perfect potion of EEK and chic for one EEK-tacular Halloween Party!
Brenda gives us the details on her spooky, but not scary, party for the little ones. “In my mind Halloween is special because it allows us, for that one night, to have the courage to be whoever we wish to be, and to dream impossible dreams. As we looked into this year’s Halloween season, our dreams ran into the most wonderful things: cupcakes, creepy old books, and even a few ravens along the way. Let your imagination run wild as you join us for this EEK-tacular event.”
“Some of our favorite things from Halloween crept out with all this fun: spiders, and monsters and cupcakes “Oh My!” These cupcakes are a new recipe that we tried that tasted delectable, we replaced the liquid in the buttercream recipe with apple juice! What could be more Halloween than a Caramel Apple Cupcake?!”
“The younger kids got a kick out of our “dirt pie.” This has been a kooky delight in our house for years, it’s always fun to bring out the familiar with the unexpected. The ‘ghostly’ marshmallows were a huge hit and this is something anyone can do with an edible marker or chocolate chips to bring their party up to a hair-raising level. The chocolate rocks are here.”
“The Caramel Apple dip was enchanting to the palate, but was also a sneaky way to encourage the eating of those fruits! The green depression glass plates are something that we have been saving for a special occasion, and this party gave us the perfect excuse to use them. There is no better color combination than black, purple and green to encourage the diner to ‘Eat, Drink, and Be Scary!’ We had to have a chair…so we stapled and glued the chevron onto the chalk painted chair which encouraged our little friends to sit a spell and enjoy their treats while at the same time serving as a magical backdrop to show off our new designs of EEK!! for Halloween.”
“Wherever you are this Halloween, we hope that you take a moment to enjoy the rich tradition surrounding this wonderfully creepy holiday and encourage those around you to be brave enough to be themselves even after the 31st has passed!”