I don’t know about you, but my girls are getting super excited for the Easter Bunny to arrive in a couple weeks. We have been decorating at my house and to get ready for this Easter season, I decided to make DIY Stuffed Easter Bunnies with scrap fabric and ribbon I had laying around the house. I’ve created a tradition that every Easter I give the girls some sort of Easter Bunny. When the girls were younger, I gave them Anne Geddes Baby Bunnies (she no longer sells them, but you can find them on ebay), Manuella bunnies (a cool modern kids’ toy designer), Jellycat bunnies (one of my all time favorite stuffed animal makers), to name a few… but now that the girls are older, I like coming up with more creative bunnies – ones that we can make together and create memories along the way. I’ve seen several ways to make your own stuffed bunnies and this particular style caught my eye. I designed an Anders Ruff FREE PRINTABLE Stuffed Easter Bunny to share with you, so you can make some too!
Supplies needed:
Anders Ruff FREE PRINTABLE Stuffed Easter Bunny
Scrap Fabric
Scrap Ribbon
Sewing Machine
Needle & Thread
Pinking Scissors
Sewing Pins
2.5″ – 3″ Yarn Poms – Tutorial Here
Pillow Stuffing
Wooden skewer/dowel rod *helpful to poke stuffing in the corners
1. Print template on 8.5×11 cardstock.
2. Trim along line.
3. Cut two pieces of fabric, allowing 1/4” extra all the way around template. Fabric will be approximately 7“ x 11.5”.
4. Trace bunny on reverse side of fabric, 1/4” outside of the template line (draw it freehand, so the bunny is bigger than template). If you don’t want bunny to be bigger, that is fine too… but this gives you a larger size option.
5. Pin both pieces of fabric together, (right side to right side) and cut both at once with pinking scissors.
6. Flip fabric and place together (wrong side to wrong side), so right sides are exposed. Repin together.
7. Starting at the bottom left foot, sew 1/4” along the entire edge until you reach the right foot.
9. Leave 2” opening at the bottom for stuffing.
10. Stuff bunny. A wooden skewer or dowel rod comes in handy, when trying to get the stuffing in the bunny and feet corners. You have to poke it in to fill the corners.
11. Hand stitch bottom to close.
12. Tie ribbon around neck. (I used 3/4″ ribbons in different colors – I tied in a knot and trimmed off the edges to create little bow-ties)
13. Sew on a 2.5” – 3” yarn pom for bunny tail. Tutorial Here
14. Tails will create a way for bunnies to stand upright.
15. Create several bunnies with various shades & colors!
Are these bunnies cute or what?? Brynne helped me pick out color combos and Graycie helped me stuff the bunnies and also helped me make the yarn pom bunny tails. The girls and I loved them so much, that we decided to put them on our mantel display this year! And the best part… I didn’t spend a dime like I have on several other Easters – all my supplies were found right here, in my house!!!
How fun would these be in your kids’ Easter Baskets? Or pass them out as favor gifts if you are hosting an Easter dinner at your home. You can even make adult versions by making them in neutral colored fabrics such as linens & burlap with twine neck ties.
Even my husband commented on how much he liked these festive little bunnies… and we didn’t even prompt him to say it! Have fun creating new Easter Memories for your family – We would love to hear what Easter traditions your family does each year! Feel free to share with us your family favorites!
There is still time left to purchase Easter Printables – we have several Instant Download options to choose from in our shop
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