I have always wanted to make gingerbread houses with my kids but this time of year is so chaotic that we never got around to it. This year was a success! However, we took the “easy route” and used graham crackers. Since they are only 4 and 7, it would end up being me doing all the baking work and they really couldn’t care less whether its homemade gingerbread or good ole Trader Joes graham crackers.
We used the traditional sprinkles, m&m’s, gumdrops, jelly beans… but then added in some more exotic options (these little short cookie straws found at the asian grocery store)
Here was our lineup of decorations:
– M&Ms
– Candy Canes
– Pretzels
– Red Hots
– Sprinkles (of all colors)
– Peppermints
– Juji Fruits
– Junior Mints
– Lollipops
– Jelly Beans
– Rock Candy
– Marshmallows
– Oreos
– Gummy Lime Rings
Of course we used Royal icing as our “glue” for the graham crackers.
I love my Kuhn Rikon Cookie Decorating Kit with tips and containers for mess-free icing and decorating!
After the mess and construction…. we ended up with….
1) Aunt Carolyn’s Gingerbread Estate
2) Jeffrey’s Tree Fort
3) J and Pierson’s Candy Cottage
4) Maureen’s Merry Digs
We had a blast (and all were a little sugar rushed after this!) This will for sure be a yearly tradition from here on out!
Which is your favorite?
Do you make gingerbread houses “the easy way” or the “gourmet way”?
Find our favorite bottles for icing, drizzling and more…. Kuhn Rikon Decorating Set.
The tree fort has my vote. But I love J & Pierson’s also. Love the jelly bean trees!!
And eating graham crackers are better than the gingerbread in my book. You can also make jelly bean ‘smores. ;-0