Introducing: AR Workshop DIY To-Go!

DIY to go

Our AR Workshop business is built on community–workshops, events and visits from our DIYers. At a local level our small business supports other small businesses, schools, charities, and the people behind them. On a national level, our community includes our fabulous group of owners that span the country and our incredible VIP Facebook page. Internationally, it includes the wonderful community of DIY lovers and makers who provided constant inspiration and support. Globally, we are experiencing unprecedented times. Guidelines continue to change–even hourly–on what kind of social gathering is appropriate in our communities. We love our DIY community, and while many of our workshops are temporarily closed and seats are empty, our heARts are full… knowing that soon things will return to “normal” In the meantime, our AR team has been hard at work developing new DIY options for our community of DIYers to enjoy. We are thrilled to introduce “DIY To-Go”–new take and make DIY kits you can do from the comfort and safety of your own home. Read on to see how this new DIY option works!

DIY to go

DIY To-Go!


We’re putting everything you need (including instructions!) to bring part of the AR Workshop experience home with you. And to your family! There are so many cute kids options to choose from, you won’t be able to pick just one!

How does it work?

The process is entirely online! Check out your local AR Workshop’s home page (or HERE to find the location closest to you!). At the top of the calendar, you’ll see an option to order a DIY-to-go kit, and that’s where you want to start!


First you pick the package you’d like of the three options available. Or any combination of them!


We’ve adapted some of our designs to fit on our solid plank size, so no power tools needed!

Next you’ll…

These are the new designs for the 4×8 size!

All of the designs are listed HERE


Pick your colors and tell us what they are in the comments!


Wait, is it that easy?

Yes! It’s that easy to bring an AR Workshop DIY project to your home!

The next few weeks are going to be a whole new experience for everyone – for you & your family, for businesses everywhere, and our communities. During this time, reach out to friends and family while maintaining a safe distance. Support your local & small businesses. And do what you can for your community while staying safe and keeping those around you safe. We’re DIY-ing this together!

Share your photos on our VIP Facebook group!

Check out our VIP Facebook page HERE

Find your closest location HERE