Who loves flowers??? ALL MOMS!!! I’ve been trying to figure out what to do for my mom this year, and knew it had to be either gardening or flower related, because my mom has the “Greenest Thumb Of ALL”! In fact, we joke in our family that her plants are her “pets”. I wanted to figure out a way to display annuals in a DIY project, and decided to create a Flower Tote! Fun – right??? The great part is that, instantly your flower gift is packaged in a cute way (plus functional)!
Supplies needed:
Canvas tote that water can drain through (we recommend totes from Nashville Wraps – they have SO MANY GREAT OPTIONS!!!) Any size works!
Ribbon for decorative strap
Extra fabric scraps for flower detail (strong neutral fabrics like burlap are good!)
Annuals of your choice
Aquasav replacement liner (can be found at Lowes, Home Depot, or any gardening store)
Potting soil
1. Pin one end of ribbon along side edge of tote – do not cut off ribbon.
2. Sew each side of ribbon, from top edge of tote to bottom edge of tote (about 1/8″ away from ribbon edge). I folded bottom edge of ribbon under, so ribbon doesn’t frey.
3. Once first side is complete, pin other side (ribbon to tote), temporarily. Leave some length at the top, to create the “tote strap”. (whatever strap length you like)
4. Cut off ribbon length and repeat step 1 & 2.
(Bottom edge of ribbon, is folded under so it doesn’t frey)
**Note – if your tote already has a handle, use the ribbon as a decorative detail along the existing strap!
5. Create a sturdy fabric flower and sew onto bag for added detail. (There are lots of fabric flower tutorials online – I love this pinterest board!)
6. Cut up your Aquasav replacement liner, and line inside of your bag. Fill with extra planting soil if needed.
7. Add annual flowers and it is complete!!!
You can hang this on your front door, gate or fence, mailbox, light post…. it is perfect to decorate any place outside your home! (I left this arrangement on my front gate rainling, and my husband says to me, “Someone left you a flower gift outside”… had to share that one!)
NEED A FREE MOTHER’S DAY CARD??? Go to I HEART NAP TIME, to download our Anders Ruff Free Printable Card.
*Next week, I will be showing you a FABULOUS salad for your Mother’s Day Brunch! Stay tuned!!!
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