Today I want to dedicate this post to my mom, Robinne, as well as show you how to make an easy but meaningful Mother’s Day Photo Banner. What would we do without our moms? My mom is beautiful, caring, encouraging, supportive and a teacher. Those five words are what I remember about her as a young girl and still to this day. Every mom wants to be recognized on their special day and we have a fun way to show appreciation for all moms. All you need is old photos, meaningful words & some ribbon and in a few minutes you can create a memorable decoration for your Mother’s Day celebration.
1. Find old photos, scan them and print. { I scanned in some of my favorite early childhood photos into the computer and turned them to black and white.}
2. Type meaningful words on a black or white background and print out as well. You can create this on a word document if you do not have drawing software.
{My words that described my mom were: beautiful, caring, encouraging, supportive & teacher}.
4. Punch holes in each corner and weave raffia. {We love raffia from Nashville Wraps}
5. You can add extra raffia at each end to make it more festive.
Here is one of my very favorite pictures of my mom & me! I have no idea what we are doing, but I know she was either teaching me to read or maybe helping me draw a picture or write my name. It shows exactly how I remember her when I was young.
Hang this adorable banner on your mantle or along a brunch buffet table. I promise, your mom will love it!
I love this picture too because my mom was ALWAYS reading to us or with us…we grew up with every children’s book that existed because of her love of reading. She actually will retire from teaching this May…. she specialized in reading and math and helped thousands of struggling students over the years!
What will you be doing this Mother’s Day? Hopefully you will do something fabulous to celebrate how AMAZING moms are!
We have more Mother’s Day Ideas for you:
– Decorating with Herbs (Here)
– Mother’s Day Salad Recipe (Here)
– Mother’s Day Flower Tote (Here)
– Mother’s Day Gift Ideas (Here)