I love Fridays, but the Fridays where I get to brag on the amazing companies we have in our Favorite Things section are top dog for me!! This week we want you to meet Little Uni! Little Uni carries a hip and modern line of children’s clothing in sizes newborn through 6T with sewn appliques. Nothing commercialized – just a nice fresh look with something other than your typical baby blue sail boat and pink ballerina! They feature a mix of classic silhouettes, vintage prints, and bold colors for a urban baby look! They also have personalized plates which I think are so neat. Over the holidays they were suggesting to get one personalized for Santa and every year Santa would know that was his special cookie plate, or what about as your child’s birthday plate only used on that special day each year, oh, oh, oh…what about for a special baby gift, wouldn’t that be so much fun to receive and/or to give! Talk about nostalgia and creating memories for your children.
With their plates being one of my very favorite items, they are offering all of you a 15% discount code on any personalized plate now through the end of April 2013 with the CODE: ARPLATES15. YAY!!!!