Good bye School…. HELLO SUMMER! Tomorrow is our last day of school, and we wanted to celebrate with a clever way to remember this past year’s school year. We designed a FREE PRINTABLE End of School Year Interview for your kids to fill out for keepsake records. As the years past, I forget what my kids were into year to year… this End of the School Year Interview printable is a great way for your children to record their memories… in their own special handwriting!
Download and print the FREE PRINTABLE End of School Year Interview
Have your kids fill it out with pen or permanent marker
File away and pull out next year and re-read! Make it a yearly tradition!
I can’t wait to see what my kids write on this!!!
We hope you have a fabulous summer break!!!
Awesome idea. My son just finished his first year of preschool this week and as soon as he gets up from his nap, we doing this. . . today!