P.S. I Adore You, a daily deal website, is currently raising money for a new foundation just getting underway called Millie’s Princess, by selling Millie’s Prints! The fundraiser will last through Monday. Millie was one of P.S. I Adore You’s featured cancer cuties as well as a dear friend to the daughter of one P.S. I Adore You’s founders – they were “best cancer buddies.” Sadly, last week Millie gave her mom a hug before lying down to take her last breath after a courageous three and a half year battle with leukemia. Millie loved to draw and her pictures spoke volumes of who she was and the amazing heart she had. All proceeds from the sale of Millie’s artwork will be donated to her foundation.
Also, our friends over at Great Stitch are celebrating their 4th birthday and we would never pass up the opportunity to help someone celebrate a special occasion! So, we have joined up with 3 other amazing companies and are offering a giveaway via Great Stitch valued at $250 – a party favor, but only for 1 lucky guest! Great Stitch has been an amazing friend to us, both personally and professionally – creating absolutely adorable outfits for some of our photo shoots as well as for gifts for our children. The pajamas in the Magical Elf photos and the T-shirts in the Pizzeria photos are both some examples of Great Stitches talent and ability to customize and create exactly what’s needed for a total party look! Their shop has lots of cute birthday t-shirts (many of which coordinate with our collections), but if you don’t find what you’re looking for Brenda, owner and designer, is always up for custom making just what you need!
Today is the last day for this awesome giveaway so you MUST enter today- right here on their facebook page!! The prizes compile items needed to create the perfect celebration: Banner Events is donating party planning consultation, Red Kite Candy is donating a caramel sampler, Last Course Bakery is donating 12 cookies, GreatStitch is donating a complete party outfit, and we are offering $50 in party printables.
You guys are wonderful! Thank you for helping us spread the word about sweet Millie and her prints! Love you forever Miss Millie!