We are OBSESSED with traditions and leaving a tooth fairy letter is one of them! I think that there are a few very magical things that we can make even more magical for our little ones, and only for a short period of time. You might remember when I created a tooth fairy report printable for Jeffrey…. well this new tooth fairy report is my favorite. (And its available as an instant download so you can purchase and download right on the spot.) Because lets be honest, how often do our kids lose teeth at the most inopportune times when we aren’t prepared!?
I created a fun printable tooth fairy lost tooth report certificate and matching pocket envelope perfect for stuffing a few dollars in! (What is a tooth worth these days, anyhow!?)
My boys are always THRILLED when they wake up to find that the tooth fairy took his tooth but there was this envelope and full report with a few bucks inside! It is magical for a child!
The tooth fairy letter needs an envelope and the envelope is super easy and quick to print (on 8.5×11 cardstock, copy paper or photo paper) and fold the edges to make the little pocket envelope. I love that this looks like its an “official” letter from the tooth fairy.
The tooth fairy letter report includes spaces to write your children’s names as well as their age and date (these are GREAT keepsakes and I’m super sentimental!)
Of course, the tooth fairy has to inspect the tooth and leave her report about which tooth it was as well as what condition it was in! Was it super duper clean, really clean, pretty clean, a little clean, not very clean…. or did you clean!? ha!
Leave your own special notes like “Be sure to floss every night!”, etc! Also, of course you have to write down how much moo-lah your kiddo will get for this special pearly white!
Fold it a couple times into a trifold and slip it and some dollars into the envelope and its the perfect size to have come from the Tooth Fairy!
Find the Tooth Fairy Printables in the shop here (This one is available for instant download, too! Print as many as you need, tooth after tooth!)
Oh, and here is proof of Pierson’s 1st tooth being lost!
UPDATE: Pierson has lost several more teeth since this photo was taken. He does not even care about the money! He just wants his report from the tooth fairy! Isn’t that sweet!?
Oh and remember when Adria made that adorable Tooth Fairy Wand! Check out the tutorial here if you want!