Labor Day is a national tribute to so many things; the end of summer, the start of the school year (right Moms?), cooking out with family and friends, and of course the social and economic achievements of American workers. For many Americans it’s celebrated with BBQ’s, parades, and athletic events. If you’re part of the Anders Ruff crew then it’s also celebrated with Labor Day Decorations! With the count down to the weekend at just T minus 2 weeks we have some decoration ideas to kick start your planning!
If you need an invitation and printable decorations then you know Anders Ruff has you covered! Make this a Smok’in Hot Party honoring Labor Day or America’s Employee’s. When you order just be sure to tell our fabulous design editors to make that change!
Here are some Labor Day Decorations and food ideas that we LOVE!
Rice Krispie Cake (seen in our All American 4th of July Party post and the tutorial is here)
Burlap Wrapped Candles (burlap ribbon, flameless candles)
Red Glitter Spoons (wooden spoons, red glitter, red and white checked tablecloth)
Washi Tape Markers on Wine Glasses (washi tape, blue checked tablecloth)
Grilled Tomato and Mozarella Sandwiches with Ribbon Party Flags (blue ribbon, red ribbon)
Patriotic Burlap Runner (burlap, red ribbon, blue ribbon, blue mason jar)
See more great ideas on our blog from previous 4th of July posts that would be easily adaptable for Labor Day!
– Patriotic Punch
– Sparklertini
– 4th of July Pinwheels
– A Nautical 4th of July Celebration
– Snap, Crackle, and pop Rice Krispie Stars
The picture banner is a cool idea!