Have you heard our latest news? We partnered with Better Homes and Gardens, Halloween Tricks & Treats again and the 2014 issue is on stands now! Click here to see some special sneak peaks we posted earlier this week.
We are so excited to finally share our kid-friendly Monster Bash with everyone and today we wanted to show you how to make the Monster Sandwich shown in the kids lunch. We came up with a fun way to match our graphics with this simple tortilla sandwich – your kids will actually want to eat this cute little monster! To see more ideas of what we put into our kid’s lunches for this party, go pick up your 2014 copy of Better Homes and Gardens, Halloween Tricks & Treats now!
Spinach Tortilla
Pumpernickel Bread
White Cheese (of your choice)
Orange Cheese (of your choice)
Soft Cheese (we suggest cream cheese or Laughing Cow)
Lunch meat (of your choice)
Dark Olives
Oval Cookie Cutter
Circle Cookie Cutter (several sizes)
Cutting Board
1. Using a large oval cookie cutter, cut 2 tortillas, cheese & lunch meat.
2. Place ovals together with soft cheese spread (to keep them from falling apart).
3. Using a small circle cookie cutter, cut one eyeball with white cheese and stick on with soft cheese spread.
4. Next, make mouth by using the pumpernickle bread. We rolled ours with a rolling pin to flatten so it wasn’t so thick.
5. Using a larger circle cookie cutter, cut a circle out of the flattened bread. Then cut another circle to create a semi-circle shape.
6. Use soft cheese spread and stick mouth in place. (I like to place the main facial parts before I get to the details).
7. To make hair – use oval circle to create the bottom of hair, and use a knife and hand cut out the hair pieces (make little triangles).
8. To make the eyelid: cut a circle out of orange cheese with the same circle you used for the eyeball. Then cut the orange circle again to create a semi-circle shape for lid.
9. Use soft cream cheese and attach eyelid to eyeball.
10. Open up sandwich and use a little soft cheese spread to stick hair out of top of tortilla.
11. For teeth: Create semi-circle in white cheese (can be smaller circle than mouth or same size… just depends on how big you want your teeth).
12. Use a knife and hand cut out jagged teeth (making small triangles)
13. Attach teeth with soft cheese spread to pumpernickle smile.
14. Last, attach pupil with a black olive slice with soft cheese spread.
How adorable is this little monster sandwich? He is too cute to eat, but I promise your kids will at least want to take one bite of him! Add some of our Monster Bash printables that you can download for FREE from Better Homes & Gardens! Pick up your latest copy to find out how!
See more Anders Ruff Fabulous Halloween Parties:
– Haunted Halloween Party
– Glam-o-ween Halloween Party
– Happy Halloween Party
– Classic Halloween – 12 Days of Halloween
– Pink-o-ween Halloween Party
Find all of our Halloween Printables in the shop here.