Hi everyone! Adria and I are so excited to work with Better Homes and Gardens again on producing another article for their magazine.(Remember our Spooky Forest Halloween Party we produced last year for their magazine?)
Model Callout for November! We are looking for 4 year old boys and girls. We did a call out on Facebook (are you following?) a couple weeks ago and got some really great submissions, and now are in need of a couple more models! We are looking for a diverse group of kiddos and are so excited about this project!
– Ages of older 3’s or 4 (preschool age)
– Local to Charlotte area for ease in doing fittings and the photoshoot.
– Do NOT have to be a professional model (just need some cute kids who like to interact with other children in front of a camera)
– Available November 8th and/or 9th
Email the following to submissions.andersruff@gmail.com1) Your child’s recent photograph
2) Their name, age, height and weight
Thanks everyone! We have some CUTE CUTE kiddos to select from!