We are so appreciative of everyone following us! Whether it be facebook, instagram, pinterest, twitter or here on the blog, you know that we appreciate you.
Facebook has recently changed quite a bit, and now only a small fraction of you are seeing our updates (which makes us sad!)
If you want Anders Ruff to show up in your feed, here is the EASY step to take!
1) Go to our facebook page (www.facebook.com/andersruff)
2) Under the “Liked” tab, check off “Get notifications”. Easy as that!
Also, we are making efforts to send out monthly newsletters. We like to update you of new products, new photo shoots, new fabulous ideas and Ruff Drafts and exclusive sales!
This week we may or may not have a pretty great sale code coming out via newsletter…. So click here and sign up for our newsletter if you want in on that! We promise we will make them interesting 😉
Oh, and as always – let us know what else we can do better! We love hearing from you!