This post is long overdue, which is probably why I needed to hire in the first place!
About 3 months ago, I realized that Anders Ruff had gotten to the point where handing all of the emails and etsy conversations, quoting, and project managing were tasks that needed a designated team member to handle. Afterall, my goal is to be sure and put out fresh new designs, styling concepts and signature holiday collections and time just wasn’t allowing for that.
I posted on our local Charlotte Mommies website about looking for an assistant (which is how I found the fabulous Becky and Carrie, as well!). Our email was flooded with response. So many talented and lovely women who were interested in working for Anders Ruff. I was thrilled, but overwhelmed. I went through all of the resumes with Adria and decided to hold interviews. Since this job is a FUN job, I didn’t want a formal interview with hard drilling questions (the kind I used to have to deal with out of college). I like to go on “instinct” versus “what is on paper”. I wanted to just sit down and “chat” with our potential candidates and see who could handle Adria and myself. (hah!)
When I met Heidi Moxley, her energy, passion and excitement for the position radiated and I could tell that she was the perfect fit. I loved that she had a sense of humor and wasn’t trying to be anything but herself. She was a stay at home mom and this position seemed to be an awesome fit. Now Heidi can work from home while being there for her 2 adorable children.
Without further ado, I am excited to introduce you to Heidi! If you have sent us emails through our “customer service” contact on this page or through etsy’s conversation tool, you have probably heard from Heidi. Heidi is WONDERFUL and has kept things organized and has allowed our customer service to stay top notch. Heidi is also handling giveaways!
If you want to say “hi” to Heidi, she can be contacted at heidi@andersruff.com
I am so lucky to have Heidi on the team and I can’t wait to introduce her to the team this weekend at our pre-holiday celebration.
Here is more about Heidi. (You can see her info on the “about”, page as well!)
Heidi was raised in Charlotte, NC. She attended Belmont Abbey College on a soccer scholarship and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Care Management. After working in Human Resources for several years she knew that the corporate grind was not for her. She wanted a job that would allow her to express her creative side and work with children. So, she went back to school to obtain a Masters of Arts in Teaching in Elementary Education from Queens University.
In 2003 she met her husband at an education job fair and fourteen months later they were married. In 2007 their first child, Tatum, was born and Heidi became a full time stay at home mom. In 2009 she had her second daughter, Tyler, and a life of stinky diapers, peek a boo, and sweet snuggles continued.
When Anders Ruff began in 2010, Heidi caught a glimpse of their work and immediately fell in love with their style and design. A little over a year later she was in a position where her girls were getting a bit older and she was starting to think about the next phase of her life. Coincidentally, Anders Ruff was also growing and had advertised the need for a little more help. She is truly ecstatic to be working with such amazing and creative women in a job she feels truly passionate about!
Heidi’s Favorites
TV Shows- Modern Family, Grey’s Anatomy, and any reality TV show (including fist pump’in with Jersey Shore and my favorite meatball, Snooki!)
Hobbies-Crafting, Calligraphy, and she’ll second Adria’s “wine”
Favorite Destination-Anquilla (a little island off of St. Thomas)
Food-PIZZA and spinach nachos
Dessert-crème brulee and warm chocolate chip cookie sundae
Random-She has a small, but controllable aversion to odd numbers
We love Heidi!! 🙂