What little boy doesn’t love Star Wars?! Jacob, the son of Kiss Me Kate‘s own Kate Brown, celebrated his birthday with the coolest Star Wars party!
The cake itself is incredible. Kate is truly so talented… the details are incredible.
We were thrilled to take on the task of designing Star Wars Inspired printables. Of course, we never use licensed characters in our designs that are “inspired”, and it turned out so great mixed with Kate’s Star Wars props and desserts.
The “Wookie Cookies” are incredible…. Each one is a unique piece of art!
We designed banner letters and Kate mounted them on square canvases. So creative and modern!
I adore the cupcakes with the candy lightsabers and the gold fondant toppers…
Of course Star Wars Pez are the perfect addition to the table!
We designed a fun certificate for all of the children to receive after their “Jedi Knight” training.
Kate found the most perfect backdrop! It is a vinyl wall decal…
Kate’s beautiful birthday boy…
Happy Birthday, Jedi Josh!
– Styling, Production and Desserts: Kiss Me Kate
– Printable Graphics: Anders Ruff Shop
Love it and perfect timing for my sons party in a few weeks time. The printables link isn’t working for me. Can you check it? Kind regards, Sharon
Hi Sharon! I will fix that right now! Here is the link to our shop…. We haven’t listed the package for the new Kiss me Kate package yet… but that will be up soon! The invite is up though!
Can you tell us how the red and yellow light saber candies were made?
Hi there! They are chocolate covered pretzels that were then wrapped in saran or cello…. 😉 So cute, right?
Hahaha…my 33 year old husband would kill for a party like that!
Any chance you would be willing to share your template for Jedi Training?
I was recently inspired to do character development using Star Wars as part of my Language Arts program and I am looking to incorporate Jedi Training in their Phys Ed lessons. This would be a great addition!!!
Hi Laura!
Thanks for your note! We actually sell the design printables and would be happy to help you. Please email is at sales@andersruff.com thanks!
Hello! How did you make the wookie cookies?!
Hi! This party was styled by an Australian client of ours. She purchased the cookies from a vendor she works with over there. If you live in the Melbourne are reel free to reach out to her. She would love to share with you the vendor!