We were recently presented with the opportunity to review Fort Magic and there was no one more perfect for the task than Maureen and her boys. As a family that has traditionally spent a lot of time being active outside year round, their first winter in Wisconsin has proven that indoor winter activities are now a bit of a necessity. So, this was the perfect activity for two boys who needed a little indoor fun during the MANY snowy Wisconsin days! Have you heard of Fort Magic?
Fort Magic is an innovative fort building and construction toy that enables children to build 3D, kid-created, “life-size” worlds for inventive play! Children can build “forts” shaped like pirate ships, castles, playhouses, submarines, airplanes, teepees, tunnels, and so much more…all from just ONE Fort Magic kit! Easy to build, easy to clean up! Fort Magic is truly passionate about combining creativity and learning while having tons of fun!
Pierson (6) and Jeffrey (8) were able to build much of the fort on their own by using the instruction book that is included with the kit. There are so many different types of forts so agreeing on which one to build took some time in itself. However, once that was figured out it was great seeing the two work together and figure out what pieces went where. The kit includes 382 building pieces, but only 13 different kinds so it was easy for them to figure out what pieces would do what.
Once the building was complete and the boys were completely satisfied we covered the frame with a sheet. Fort Magic will be selling the fabric covers for each type of frame soon, but in the meantime you can see some alternative cover ideas like bed sheets and fabric at the bottom of this Fort Magic page.
You can read other great reviews here on Amazon and when you’re ready to purchase one for your family here! There really is nothing better than a fort when you’re a child (or adult!)
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