Jeffrey’s Modern Lego Inspired party was a blast. I’m so glad I could share the 3 parts to his party this week with all of the details!
Part One: The Dessert Table and Lego Inspired Candy Bar
Part Two: The Decor and Favors
Part Three: The Activities and Games
This week’s Giveaway is a Fabulous Collection of items from some of the amazing vendors whose products were used in Jeffrey’s Modern Lego Inspired Party…
The Grand Prize Winner will win the following:
1) Customized Printable Modern Lego Inspired Invitation design from Anders Ruff (us!)
2) A Custom Lego Inspired Silhouette T-Shirt from Made by Morgan (Color and Size of your choice)
3) The Fabulous Red with modern white polka-dots Runner from A to Zebra Celebrations.
4) One Dozen of the Fabulous Fondant Cupcake Toppers by Two Sugar Babies
5) TWO Dozen Decorated Sugar cookies from Allyson Jane Designer Desserts
6) The Giant Modern backdrop (From Jeffrey’s actual party) printed by Sign Guy along with a 2 foot by 3 foot print of your choice.
7) Half Dozen of the adorable Lego Head Marshmallow Pops from Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections
Leave a comment under this article/post telling us you completed the steps below. You have 7 chances to enter.
“LIKE” the following vendors on Facebook:
4. Allyson Jane Designer Desserts
5. Sign Guy
6. Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections
7. Anders Ruff
The winner will be chosen using random.org on Friday, August 12th at 1:00 PM Eastern.
Good Luck!
Photography by Becca Bond
I hope I win. All steps completed. Starting to plan our sons 6 Birthday party Lego Style.
I’ve done the 7 steps! what a great site.
I like Ander’s Ruff on Facebook!
I like Made by Morgan on Facebook!
I like AtoZ Celebrations on Facebook!
I like 2 Sugar Babies on Facebook!
I like Allyson Jane on Facebook!
I like SignGuy on Facebook!
I like Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections on Facebook!
I “liked” all the pages, some of which I was already a fan! Your lego party was amazing! And your new website is beautiful!
I LOVE Anders Ruff on FB.
I like Made by Morgan on Facebook.
I like A to Z Celebrtions on facebook.
I like Two Sugar Babies on Facebook.
I like Allyson Jane Designer Desserts on Facebook.
I like Sign Guy on Facebook.
I like Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections on Facebook.
I liked all 7 (except you, I already liked 🙂 )
Thanks so much for the awesome inspirations!
i liked oh so yummy!
i liked allyson jane
i liked two sugar babies
I Liked ‘Made By Morgan’ on Facebook!
I liked everyone- well some I already liked! Lol! What an awesome giveaway! I was already planning this theme for my son’s next birthday!!! Thanks so much for the opportunity!
I Like ‘A to Zebra Celebrations’ on Facebook!
I Like ‘Two Sugar Babies’ on Facebook!!
I Liked ‘Allyson Jane’ On Facebook!!!
Please Please Please!
I liked ‘Signguy’ on Facebook!!
Want this Win So Bad!!
I liked ‘Oh! So Yummy Cookie Favors & Confections’ 😀
I liked ‘Anders Ruff Custom Designs’ on Facebook!
So Excited at the possibilities!!!!
I follow A to Z celebrations on FB :)… fingers crossed!!!
I already follow Anders Ruff on FB!!!! 🙂
I follow Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections on FB 🙂
completed all 7 steps (although i already ‘liked’ two sugar babies. what an awesome party – i wish i had something as cool as that when i was 6!
I like made by morgan! Very cute & clever!
I added A to Zebra Celebrations!
OMG, so glad I liked Two Sugar Babies! They make the most amazing baked goods!
Liked Allyson Jane, another amazing site! Thank you Anders Ruff
Like the Sign Guy! Love the work he has done for you!
Love(liked) Oh! So Yummy Cookies & Confections, who doesn’t? 🙂
I LOVE Anders Ruff!
I have like Anders Ruff on facebook for awhile now! I love EVERYTHING you do! I am getting ready to start planning my son’s 6th birthday and I am going to be using your Superhero package! My sister is helping me with the planning and LOVES your Lego package. I would love to be able to give this giveaway to her for my nephews next birthday! Thank you ladies for all your hard work!
I like Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections!
I like Sign Guy!
I liked businesses 1-7 and am ready to win the giveaway!!!
I already like Allyson Jane Designer Desserts
I just love all of these pages! Great ideas and such cute stuff. Doing a great job! Love the Lego theme birthday party!
I already like Two Sugar Babies
I like A to Z Celebrations
I like Made by Morgan
I completed all of the steps. I am already in full blown Lego Party Planning mode for my “to-be” seven-yr-old!!
7 steps done!! The party is AMAZING!!!!
This is a creative masterpiece! I have ‘liked’all 7. ( made by morgan)
like A to Zebra Celebrations
like Two Sugar Babies
like allyson jane designer desserts
like sign guy
like Oh! so yummy cookies and confections
(Love!) like Anders Ruff!!
like Made by Morgan on fb
I completed steps 1-7! What wonderful businesses! This party is so fantastic! My lego loving son turns 5 the end of September and this would be absolutely perfect:) Thanks for the great giveaway!
Lego party was awesome! My boys would love this for their birthday! Not on Facebook, though, oh well!
I like AtoZ celebrations on FB
I like Two Sugar Babies
I like Allyson Jane Designer Desserts
I like the Sign Guy
I like Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections
I like Anders Ruff, but if there was a LOVE option – I would LOVE Anders Ruff! Your girls are awesome! – I still owe you pictures from my daughter’s under the sea party in May. 🙂
I can’t wait to win!!!LOL! Just became new fans of all these fabulous vendors. Thank you for the giveaway!
I like AR on FB
I like Two Sugar Babies on FB
I Like Made by Morgan on FB
I like the sign guy on FB
I like Allyson Jane Designer on FB!
I like O! So Yummy on FB!
I Like “Made By Morgan”
I Like ” A TO Zebra Celebrations”
I Like “Two Sugar Babies”
I Like “Allyson Jane Designer Desserts”
I Like “Sign Guy”
I Like “OH! So Yummy Cookies & Confections”
I Like “Anders Ruff”
What a great idea! This would be perfect for my lego loving son who turns 7 this month. What great timing. I have done all 7 steps. 🙂
All done! Gotta go back to read my new pages! Keeping fingers crossed I’m a winner!
I already like Anders Ruff on FB!!
I liked Signguy on FB!
I liked Oh! So Yummy Cookies on FB!!
I liked Allyson Jane on FB!
I liked made by morgan on FB!
I liked Two Sugar Babies on FB!
And I asked AtoZebra Celebrations to friend me on FB – there wasn’t a like page. THanks!
I’ve completed all the steps! Thanks! 🙂
I completed all the steps! Thanks for sharing!
All steps completed. I LOVE this lego party, my son wants Lego theme for his 7th birthday, and he would go bonkers over this.
I liked Made by Morgan!
I liked A to Zebra Collection!
I liked Two Sugar Babies!
I liked Allyson Jane Designer Desserts!
I liked Sign Guy!
I liked Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections!
I liked them all. Already liked you on FB. I’m planning my son’s 7th bday party for September. Lego of course and you’ve inspired me. You did Hadley’s invitations last year (2 year cupcake) and it was a huge hit. Thanks for the wonderful ideas. You are both so creative!
I like Anders ruff on Facebook.
I like made by Morgan on fb.
Added a to z celebrations as a friend
I like Anders ruff on fb.
I like 2 sugar babies on fb.
I like Allyson Jane desserts on fb.
I did all 7 steps…I am starting to plan my son’s 8th birthday LEGO style!!
I LIKE Made by Morgan on fb
Like A-Zebra Celebrations on fb
Like Two Sugar Babies on fb
LIKE Allyson Jane Designer Desserts
Like SignGuy on fb
Like Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections on fb
of course like AndersRuff on fb!
I like Made by Morgan on Facebook!
P.S. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. giveaway, as usual!
I like A to Zebra Celebrations on Facebook.
I like Two Sugar Babies on Facebook.
I like Allyson Jane Designer Desserts on Facebook.
I like Sign Guy on FB.
I like Oh! So Yummy Cookie Favors and Confections on Facebook.
I like {LOVE}, stalk, follow, worship & adore Anders Ruff on Facebook. 🙂
I like Made by Morgan on Facebook:)
I like A to Zebra Celebrations on FB!
I like Two Sugar Babies on FB!
I like Allyson Jane Designer Desserts on Facebook:)
I like the Sign Guy on Facebook:)
I like Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections on Facebook:)
I like Anders Ruff on Facebook:) Thanks for the incredible giveaway!
I’ve completed all 7 steps to enter the Lego party supply giveaway. I’m in the process of planning my boys’ birthday party for late Sept. or early Oct. and they would ADORE this!!!!! They are true Lego Maniacs!
I’ve completed all 7 steps to enter the Lego party supply giveaway. I’m in the process of planning my boys’ birthday party for late Sept. or early Oct. and they would ADORE this!!!!! They are true Lego Maniacs!
I’ve completed all 7 steps to enter the Lego party supply giveaway!
My boys, Dylan and Drew, love Legos and would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE for their mommy to win this amazing giveaway!
I “liked” Made by Morgan, A to Zebra Celebrations, Two Sugar Babies, Allyson Jane Designer Desserts, Sign Guy, Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections, and Anders Ruff! Hope I win!
I’ve been looking for some Lego party planning inspiration and found it here! Amazing! Hope I win!
What an awesome giveaway! I’ve liked all of your recommended vendors on Facebook! Thanks for the opportunity!
i like Oh! so yummy cookies and confections
I love “liking” your recommendations-they are always great sources! I added them all…Hope I win one :)-Graham loved those tshirts with the lego guys on them! Take care-
I like Anders Ruff
I love all of the vendors! Most of them, I already loved!! I’ve completed the steps and hope to win some goodies!!
I liked Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections on FB
I like Sign Guy on FB
I like Allyson Jane on FB
I like Two Sugar Babies on FB
I liked Made by Morgan on FB
I like Anders Ruff on FB (It’s fantastic)
I liked Made by Morgan on facebook!
I liked A to Zebra Celebrations on facebook
I liked Two Sugar Babies on facebook
I liked allyson jane designer desserts on facebook
I liked oh! so yummy cookies and confections on facebook
I already liked Anders Ruff on facebook!! Hope I win!
What a great giveaway…I would use this for a “grand opening” celebration for the new Legoland, FL. My son and several of his friends have passes and a counting the days til it’s opening!! What a fun way it would be to kick off our weekend all about Legos!!!
I “liked” all of the pages mentioned above! Cool sights…I would love to use this for a party in October! My son and his friends have passes to the new Legoland that is opening this fall in FL! What a cool way it would be to celebrate that!
I just found your website tonight, WOW, what a fantastic giveaway!!! I have 3 boys and any/all of them would love a lego themed party! I ‘LIKED’ your page on Facebook. Thanks! 🙂
I also ‘liked’ all the others you listed as well. Thanks! 🙂
Completed the steps and I hope I win cuz this is such an awesomely cool party idea!
Like all the vendors! Hope I win. This will be perfect my son’s birthday party next month! 🙂
Sarah Leatherman
What a fun party.. what a lucky boy…. I did all the steps… and… I purchaed a runner from a to z …. for my strawberry party… this month….
“Liked” Made by Morgan!
“Liked” Two Sugar Babies!
“Liked” Allyson Jane designer desserts, she’s from my neck of the woods almost!
“Liked” the Sign Guy. I’m always on a good sign vendor for my business 🙂
“Liked” Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections.
BIG new fan of Anders Ruff!!
I liked Anders Ruff on FB! Thanks!
I Liked Two Sugar Babies on FB! THanks!
Your site and ideas are PERFECT and so cute! I completed all 7 steps. My oldest son’s is turning 8 on August 12th – we have looked forward to his Lego party and cannot wait to plan it. We hope to win! Thank you!
Newest fan over at Made by Morgan
Already a fan at A to Zebra
Fan of Two Sugar Babies
Fan of Allyson Jane
Newest fan over at Sign Guy
Fan of Oh So Yummy Cookies
Fan of Anders Ruff
Just found your site by way of my daughter-in-law. Love, Love, Love it!
Just found your site by way of my daughter-in-law. Love, Love, Love it! I completed the steps and am ready to win ;-)!!
So I like everyone, well I friended A to Zebra cus there wasn’t a like button BUT can I just say I went looking for lego party ideas and you guys kicked butt! My 3 year daughter and her father are in love with lego and she asked to have this as her party theme. Excited about your blog. I have a new baby girl who I’ll be planning parties for too. Thanks!!
I liked Made by Morgan on FB 🙂
I liked A to Zebra Celebrations on FB 🙂
I liked Two Sugar Babies on FB 🙂
I liked Allyson Jane Designer Desserts on FB 🙂
I liked Sign Guy on FB 🙂
I liked Oh! So Yummy C and C on FB 🙂
I already like Anders Ruff on FB 🙂
I “liked” all 7. Loved what you did for the party. I had a lego party last year. He wants another one this year. Winning would help me step up my game. 😉
A fan of Anders Ruff
I like A to Zebra celebrations
Fan of Two Sugar babies
I like Made By Morgan on FB.
I like A to Zebra on FB.
I like Two Sugar Babies on FB.
I like Allyson Jane Designer Desserts on FB.
I like Sign Guy on FB.
I like Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections on FB.
I like Anders Ruff on FB.
Amazing party! I have two boys who would love this!!!
I like Made by Morgan on fb 🙂
I requested to be friend with A to Zebra Celebrations 🙂
I like and love Two Sugar Babies, oh on fb too 🙂
I like Allyson Jane Designer Desserts on fb, YUM!
I like Sign Guy on fb and save his www in my computer bookmarks too!
I like Oh So Yummy Cookies and Confections on fb, beautiful sweets!
And of course I like you “Anders Ruff” on fb and everywhere! :), I am your client & what a cute new www you have. (I’m planning my son’s 8th lego bday)
Good luck to all of us!
Liked all the vendors…great resources!! Saw ya’ll’s party ideas on Layla Grace and it caught my eye because our friends just opened up a Lego learning franchise called “Bricks 4 Kids” here in Pensacola, Florida. They do camps and birthday parties, as well so we have booked our son’s 7th birthday at the “lego store” and he’s SO EXCITED! 😀
I “liked” just about all. A to Zebra had a friend request…
LOVE all your party ideas and inspirations! Thanks!
I liked all of the vendors. Such a cute party – my lego-manic would love it.
I liked them all and sent a friend request to A to Zebra
My boys LOVE lego everything and I LOVE everything about this party!!! Thanks
I just moved from CLT to ATL and in the midst of sitting amongst moving boxes, your post has inspired me to start thinking about my son’s 6th birthday this Halloween. I am OVER THE MOON with your ideas, particularly because the LEGO store is opening here locally. AMAZING job on the staging, decor and inspirations. LOVE IT!
I have completed all 7 steps. I sure hope I win. My son would love a Lego party.
I liked all 7! I love your blog and used a lot of your designs for my son’s bday paryu. I cant wait to start planning the next birthday!!!!
LIKE AndersRuff on Facebook!
I liked Made by Morgan on Facebook!
Thank you for this awesome giveaway! 🙂
I liked A to Zebra Celebrations on FB! 🙂
Liked Made by Morgan
Liked A to Zebra Celebrations
Liked Two Sugar Babies
I like Two Sugar Babies on FB! 🙂
Liked Allyson Jane
Liked signguy
I like Allyson Jane Designer Desserts on FB! 🙂
Liked Oh! So Yummy cookies and Confections
Liked Anders Ruff Custom Designs
I liked Sign Guy on FB! Cool stuff over there:)
I liked Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections on Fb! 🙂
I already Love Anders Ruff on FB! You did a fantastic job with this party, your son is so lucky!
I Like Made by Morgan on FB!
I Like A to Zebra Celebrations on FB!
I Like Two Sugar Babies on FB!
I Like Allyson Jane Designer Desserts on FB!
I Like Sign Guy on FB!
I Like Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections on FB!
I Like Anders Ruff on FB!
Soooo…. Excited about this give away! My party planning is already underway for my soon to be six year old’s Lego party- your posts could not have been more timely! Thanks for the great ideas- LOVE your blog, and already follow you on FB!
I now follow Made by Morgan on FB!
I now follow A to Zebra celebrations!
Fan of two sugar babies- LOVE their stuff!!
Fan of Allyson Jane Desserts! Thanks for another opportunity!
Following the Sign Guy. Winner or not, going to have to order from him! 🙂
Following Oh So Yummy Cookies and Confections!
liked Made by Morgan on facebook, stephanie rowe miller,
liked Made by Morgan on facebook, stephanie rowe miller,
Love Anders Ruff on FB!
liked Sign Guy on FB.
Liked Anders Ruff on FB.
I Like made-by-morgan
I Like A To Zebra Celebrations
I Like Two Sugar Babies
I Like Allyson Jane
I Like Signguy
I Like Oh! So Yummy Cookie Favors & Confections
Already a fan of Anders Ruff Custom Designs
I like Made by Morgan on Facebook –
Please note we have to like from our 24/7 MOMS page as my personal page is over the limit on friends now
I like A to Zebra Celebrations on Facebook –
Please note we have to like from our 24/7 MOMS page as my personal page is over the limit on friends now
I like on Facebook – Two Sugar Babies
Please note we have to like from our 24/7 MOMS page as my personal page is over the limit on friends now
I like Allyson Jane Designer Desserts
Please note we have to like from our 24/7 MOMS page as my personal page is over the limit on friends now
I LIke Sign Guy on Facebook
Pleaae note I have to like pages from 24/7 MOMS as my personal page is at limit with friends
I like Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections
Please note I have to like pages from 24/7 MOMS as my personal page is at limit with friends
I like Anders Ruff
Please note I have to like pages from 24/7 MOMS as my personal page is at limit with friends
I like two sugar babies
facebook fan of a to z celebrations, stephanie rowe miller
facebook fan of Two Sugar Babies, stephanie rowe miller
I liked made by morgan
facebook fan of Allyson Jane Designer Desserts, stephanie rowe miller
facebook fan of Sign Guy, stephanie rowe miller
I like A to Zebra Celebrations
I like Two Sugar Babies
facebook fan of Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections, stephanie rowe miller
facebook fan of anders ruff, stephanie rowe miller
I liked Allyson Jane Designer Desserts
I like the Sign Guy
I like Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections
I LOVE Anders Ruff
I “like” Made by Morgan!
I “like” A to Zebra Celebrations!
I “like” Two Sugar Babies!
I “like” Allyson Jane Designer Desserts!
I “like” Sign Guy!
I “like” Oh! So Yummy cookies and Confections!
I’m already a big fan of Anders Ruff!!!!
I completed all 7 steps….I hope I win! This would be an awesome party for my little Andy!
I completed the steps needed to enter! I SOOOO hope I win! My son is the BIGGEST Lego fan in the UNIVERSE!!!!!
I liked everyone! This would be a great prize! My brother is a HUGE Lego fan, and his birthday is next week!
All steps completed! I hope I win! My son’s birthday is the 18th of this month! This would make his day GREAT!
I like all the vendors on FB. Would love to win this for my triplets’ bday party!
I am a fan and customer of Andersruff! I can’t wait until my son has his airplane birthday party!!
I am now a fan of Made by Morgan!!
I am already a fan of A to Zebra Celebrations!!!
I am now a fan of Allyson Jane Designer Desserts on facebook!
I am now a fan of the sign guy on facebook!
I am now a fan of Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections!
I am now a fan of Two Sugar Babies on facebook!
you are THE BEST!!!
I am doing a lego party for my son at the end of the month. please please pick me!!! ( i know it is random…)
I loked all 7 vendors.
Thanks so much!
I “liked” Made by morgan!! Very cute stuff too!
I’m a fan of A to Zebra Celebrations too!! Yay I wanna win this
Fan of Two Sugar Babies now
Like Allyson Jane as well!
“Liked” sign Guy
Liked Oh so Yummy!!
and of course I love Anders Ruff! Thank you so much my sweet little girls party items!!
I “liked” the vendors. I even found a few links with good ideas for my son’s upcoming 1st birthday.
I liked “Made by Morgan” on Facebook. Thanks for the chance! My son would LOVE this!
I liked “A to Z Celebrations” on Facebook 🙂
I liked “Two Sugar Babies” on Facebook 🙂
I liked “Allyson Jane Designer Desserts” on Facebook 🙂
I liked “Sign Guy” on Facebook 🙂
I liked “Oh! So Yummy Cookie Favors & Confections” on Facebook 🙂
I liked “Anders Ruff Custom Designs” on Facebook 🙂
Like two sugar babies
Love u guys! 😉
Like atozcelebrations too
Liked all the Vendors on FB! This is a fantastic giveaway and would be AMAZING for my son Jack’s upcoming 5th birthday! Y’all are truly amazing!
Just realized I should’ve done a comment for each vendor – Here is #2!
#3 – I liked all the vendors on FB!
#4 – Y’all are so great for doing this giveaway!
#5 – I can’t believe I am just discovering your amazing site!
#6 – Can’t wait to see what else you guys come up with! Hard to top such a great boy party!
#7 – Really, really, really hoping I win this giveaway! 🙂
Done! Thanks for showing me these cool resources. So excited to do my son’s 3rd B-Day Lego Party. (followed by his 4th the Vintage Super Hero. LOVE IT) as well as all your stuff.
I “like” Made by Morgan on FB
I “like” A to Zebra Celebrations on FB
I “like” Two Sugar Babies on FB
I “like” Allyson Jane Designer Desserts
I “like” Sign Guy on FB
I “like” Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections on FB
I “like” Anders Ruff on FB
Now a fan of Made by Morgan on FB
Already a fan of A to Zebra celebrations on FB
Already a fan of Two Sugar Babies on FB
Now a fan of Allyson Jayne Designer Desserts on FB
Now a fan of SignGuy on FB
Now a fan of Oh! so Yummy Cookies and Confections on FB
Already a fan of Anders Ruff on FB:)
I like anders ruff on facebook!
I liked made by Morgan on Facebook!
I “liked” A to Zebra Celebrations on FB!
I “liked” Two Sugar Babies on FB!
I liked Allyson Jane Designer Desserts on Facebook!
I liked “Sign Guy” on FB!
New fb fan for made by morgan!
Like A To Zebra Celebrations!
I liked Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections on FB.
New fan of Two Sugar Babies!
Like Allyson Jane!
I “like” Anders Ruff on FB!
I like Made by Morgan on facebook.
New fan of Signguy!
New fan of Oh! So Yummy Cookie Favors & Confections!
I “like” A to Z celebrati
I “like” Two sugar babies on fb.
Love Anders Ruff Custom Designs!
Steps done!
This page is really inspiring and it brightens my day, seriously. You guys are amazing!
I “like” Alyson Jane on fb.
I “like” sign guy on fb.
I “like” Oh! so yummy cookies and confections on fb.
Oh. My. Word. This is adorable!! Like MBM on FB!
I like A to Zebra Celebrations!
What a happy lookin’ birthday boy! I like Two Sugar Babies.
I had done 1 like for all. Now I realize that I was supposed to “like” them all individually for 7 chances. So here goes #2 –
I liked Made By Morgan
I like Allyson Jane!
Tee hee… Signguy… how cute! Like ’em on FB!
(JeffreyandMaureen Ott)
I like a to Zebra Celebrations
Oh So Yummy…. liked!
I liked Two Sugar Babies
And, well, of course….. I like Anders & Ruff!
Great stuff! I like them all!!!
I like Made by Morgan
I like Two Sugar Babies
I like Allyson Jayne Desserts
I had already liked Allyson Jane Designer Desserts (love her)
But I also liked Sign Guy
I like signguy
I liked Oh! So Yummy Cookies & Confections
A to Zebra…I like that!
I like Yummy Cookies and Confections
Hope I win! Love your stuff!
I liked Anders Ruff
Okay, now I have all 7 entries. I so hope that I win. My son would LOVE this bday party! Great Work everyone.
I like anders ruff on fb
I like allyson jane on fb
I like Two Sugar Babies on fb
I like A to Zebra Celebrations on fb
I like Made by Morgan on fb
All done thanks for sharing that beautyful blog. I was in awe the first time i saw it. You didnt miss a touch. Hope i win.
Liked Made by Morgan on Facebook.
New fan of Made by Morgan.
Already a FB fan of A to A Celebrations.
New fan of Two Sugar Babies.
New fan of Allyson Jane Designer Desserts.
New fan of Sign Guy.
New fan of Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections.
Of course, already a fan of Anders Ruff. I’m planning Lego party for my son so it would be great to win!
Liked Oh So Yummy Cookies and Confections on Facebook.
I absolutely LOVE!!!! the LEGO party my son has asked for a Lego party coming up next month it would be PERFECT!!!! I have completed all steps. Thank you!
I completed all the steps and liked the seven vendors on their facebook page. Thanks so much for the chance…
I like Made by Morgan on FB!
I like A to Zebra Celebrations on FB!
I like Two Sugar Babies on FB!
I like Allyson Jane Designer on FB!
I like the Sign Guy on FB!
I like Oh! So Ymmy Cookies and Confection on FB!
I like Anders Ruff on FB! My son would be over the moon thrilled to have this LEGO party!
I liked made by morgan!
I liked A to Zebra Celebrations!!
I liked two sugar babies!!
I liked Allyson Jane Designer Desserts!
I liked sign guy!!
I liked Oh! So yummy cookies and confections!!
I liked Anders Ruff!! I hope I win!!
All steps completed! :0)
I liked Made by Morgan
I liked A to Zebra Celebrations
I liked Two Sugar Babies
I liked Allyson Jane Designer Desserts
I liked sign guy!
I liked Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections
I liked Anders Ruff
like like like-ity like like like like! What a fabulous party…my 7y old is dreaming about one just like this!
I liked Made by Morgan!
I liked A to Z Celebrations!
I like Two Sugar Babies!
I liked Allyson Jane Designer Desserts!
I liked Sign Guy!
I liked Oh! So Yummy Cookies and Confections!
I liked Anders Ruff!