My son, Jeffrey is turning 8 on June 8th. Crazy! I have gone “all out” and the past few years have done the Lego Inspired Party, the Ninjago Ninja Lego inspired Party, the Pool Party. Well, this year he decided that he wants to take his buddies to see the new Superman Movie (Man of Steele) that comes out on the 12th of June. (I guess when the kiddies turn 8, they have their own plans in mind for their parties!) This year has been a bit hectic, so we are going REALLY low key this year. Jeffrey insisted on me designing a new version of our Pop Art Vintage Super Hero invitation for him to send to his buddies. He knows that the old invitation was Pierson’s invite from his Pop Art Vintage Super Hero Party that we had when he turned 3.
This invitation is still one of my favorites, and we just did a little tweaking to make it fresh and new for Jeffrey’s Superman adventure day!
So, with a color change to a more royal “Superman” blue, red and yellow, adding some grey… voila. We have a 4×8 VERTICAL Super Hero invitation that resembles a comic strip style invitation. This new Super Hero Comic Style printable party invitation is in the shop. More for that collection coming soon!
I love the address and return address labels!
We are going to be taking a few of his best buddies to his favorite pizza place, then to see the new Superman Movie – Man of Steele. Following that, we will come back for cake and some treats. Sounds easy to me! Phew!
Stay tuned for more party updates. Should be an easy one this year! I don’t know if I can handle setting up another Super Hero Party! 😉 Loads of ideas for Super Hero Parties on our blog here.
I CANNOT wait to see any easy super hero party! This year I am doing a race car party for Ad (yes in November and already pinterest planned) but I want to do Super Hero next year. And with Target’s Super Hero Summer collection, I feel the need to start planning now. Yes, I am crazy!
I love the blue and red buildings you used for this new version…can you please tell me what you used? Thanks!
Hi Amy! I will be doing a full post next week! I actually found $1 crates at the Dollar Tree and put white paper inside so they look like buildings… stack upside down!