We are SO excited to announce our brand new 2012 Halloween Collection – Our “Glam-o-ween Halloween DIY Printable Collection!“.
Glamorous + Halloween = Glam-o-ween
As you might know, Adria and I worked for Better Homes & Gardens late last year to produce a fun filled Halloween Collection for their 2012 Tricks and Treats Magazine. (Comes out in about 1 month!). We wanted to also do a new collection for our shop and can’t wait to share photos.
Here is just one photo that I took of our new invitation. Wouldn’t this be perfect for a little girl who happens to have a birthday near Halloween? (Or just in October in general?)
You can find the invitation and complete DIY Printable Package in the shop! The Collection is only $10 as our introductory offer (25 pages of printable designs for a fabulous Halloween!).
So… what do ya think?
Find them here in the shop! Be sure to follow our Glam Halloween Pinterest Board that we just started to get more inspiration!
Oh my goodness this is so cute!! It the hubby let’s me host a halloween party this year I’ll definitely have to use this theme & products!
This may have to be my theme for this year’s Halloween Party!