A pool party is one of the best ways to celebrate an event during the summer. Be it for a birthday party, end of year celebration, back to school party, or just a summer celebration it’s the perfect way to be with friends and beat the heat.
We recently featured a darling new chevron pool party on the blog here and also check out our Chevron Pool Party collection to help create a festive feeling to your pool party. With it’s colorful design and chevron patterns your guest will know that this party is one that’s for pure celebration. The variety of colors make it super easy to find coordinating supplies, but our inspiration board will help make it even easier!
1// Chevron Pool Party Printable Designs 2.// Ribbon Candy 3// Sandal Cookies Recipe Here – Sour Gummy Worms, Rope Licorice 4// Pinwheel– DIY Instructions 5// Chevron Paper Straws, Milk Bottle 6// Sorbet Ramekins (Inspiration Photo) 7// Beach Ball Cakepops, Vase, Floral Foam Blocks 8//Ice Cream Cups (similar) 9//Metal Buckets 10//Apothecary Jars, M&M’s, Rock Candy, 11// Tassle Garland 12// Plastic Buckets, Chevron Pool Party Printable Designs