We have been having fun this week sharing ideas for this Saturday’s Kentucky Derby Party. We created a Kentucky Derby Bar with a FREE PRINTABLE DERBY PARTY COLLECTION yesterday for you to download and quickly set-up! If you didn’t catch that post, click here for more details. We want to share with you another drink recipe for your bar today, this time a refreshing non-alcoholic recipe. Iced tea with fresh mint & lemon gelato – YES PLEASE!!! This is a great alternative for adults and kids… and pairs perfectly with the traditional Mint Julep Cocktail. You can easily use our FREE PRINTABLE DERBY PARTY COLLECTION with this refreshing drink as well!
Iced Tea with Fresh Mint and Lemon Gelato
Iced Tea (I cook a large pot on the stove with 3 bags of Chai, 3 bags of blueberry green tea, and 3 bags of black tea with a little bit of sugar)
Fresh Mint
Lemon Zest
Lemon Gelato
Lemon Wedge (for garnish)
1. Brew your tea and refrigerate.
2. Zest lemon using a fine grader (you just need a pinch per serving glass); set aside
3. Chop fresh mint (if you like it really minty), and pull apart small leaves; set aside
4. Cut lemon wedges for garnish; set aside
5. Pour iced tea in each glass (add a couple mint leaves to tea)
6. Add one scoop (or two if you like) of lemon gelato and put into tea
7. Sprinkle lemon zest and chopped mint on top of gelato scoop
8. Garnish with lemon wedge
Note: if you don’t like textured tea, you can do a hot infusion with your fresh mint instead. Just put the mint leaves in the water while it is boiling… and strain your tea to remove the leaves, once it is done. Forgo the lemon zest and chopped mint as well. This is just as fresh, but a little more smooth.
Love this recipe idea? Share with friends and leave us comments! We want to hear what you are doing this weekend for your Kentucky Derby Party!
RESOURCES for your own Kentucky Derby Bar:
– Green and White Striped Straws
– Handled Drink Glasses
– Lemon Zester
– Wooden Horseshoe and Blue Spray Paint
– Horse Figurines (Blue Spray Paint and Green Spray Paint)