On a cold January morning over a cup of hot chocolate, a father and his 9-year old daughter sat down for their first official meeting regarding a fun and customizable band that kids can personalize themselves. After months of searching, hopes, disappointments, waiting, modifications and perfecting, SnapStylz is here and ready to sweep the nation as the next hot trend. SnapStylz is giving away one band, 10 snaps, and a bag to store them in to one Anders Ruff follower.
It’s not often that we as adults can be on the cutting edge of something hot before our children, but here we are my friends! Your kids will love to choose their band color, pick out and and add snaps that reflect their interests and personality, and even trade them with friends. Let the snaps be party favors; incentives for chores, grades, or manners; or just fun little “I Love You” surprises at the end of a hectic week. I even heard a little rumor that Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Toothfairy are all stocking up on SnapStylz bands and snaps.
SnapStylz is both affordable and fun so it’s a win win for everyone! Be sure to enter below for a chance to win this great giveaway and the priceless opportunity to show your child you know “what’s going on!”
Congratulations Betsy, Enjoy your SnapStylz and bragging rights that you were one of the first to have one!
My daughter would love all of the pink ones
Would love some of the patterns and sports for my son. Great Story!
My shorties would love animal, sports,and holiday snaps.
I would love to get a pretty pink plaid or polka dot snap for my niece!
my kiddos would love the orange or pink ones
My daughter’s would love anything girly!
My niece would love the pink on pink polka dot.
I’d share them out amongst all my nieces and nephews thus reinforcing my position as the Cool Aunt