AR Featured on Martha Stewart’s Dreamers Into Doers – Part 1

….Always a good day when you check your email and find out that your work is being featured on Martha Stewart!!!

We just joined Martha’s dreamers into DOERS website (literally… we were accepted onto their website yesterday), and they featured our Sweet Celebration Collection photo today!
We couldn’t be more thrilled… especially because Martha is a HUGE inspiration for our work!!!

Stay tuned because tomorrow, I am going to post my latest Martha find…. which we will put our “spin” on, and create for our shop!


  1. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
    That's me screaming here from the Pacific Northwest & JUMPING UP AND DOWN! Nuh-UH!

    THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!! When Martha claims that you are a DOER, that's the day you get the blue ribbon!!

    Awesome gals – you deserve it!! Beautiful đŸ™‚ Happy for you gals!

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