We were THRILLED to have the opportunity to work with the fabulous Courtney Dial from Pizzazzerie. Courtney has been all over the press and is always up to something spectacular. We just about flipped when we heard that she was shooting a “PINK-O-WEEN”…..
Pink + Halloween = Pinkoween
We whipped up some graphic goodness for her shoot…(Which will be available in our shop!)
Here are a couple sneak peeks….
The favor tag we designed for her shoot…
Courtney printed the invitation we designed for her Pink-O-Ween and really embellished it nicely to go with the pink and sparkly essence of the shoot…. LOVE the glitz and sparkle…
Courtney teamed up with photographer, Kristen Eddleman Steele
Can’t wait to see the rest!
Oh, this would be perfect for a Halloween fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, since they coincide in October!