Football season has officially begun and we are super excited about showcasing our Instant Download Football Printable Package that goes with ANY football team!! Any Buckeye fans out there… or how about Auburn? Clemson even? Either way, these rustic Football Printables are perfect no matter who you are cheering for. If you missed the football party we featured yesterday, you can find it here for the full party details.
I decided to pick a few printable favorites and show you a couple more ideas you can use for your next Football Party.
Pretzel Necklace
Supplies needed:
Printed Party Logo
Scissors/Hole Punch
1. Cut a long piece of twine for necklace.
2. Hang circle party logo from center of twine by punching a small hole through the top of the party logo.
3. Add pretzels on each side.
4. Tie closed with a knot and hand out to guests to wear and much on during the game.
Snak Sack
Supplies needed:
Recycled Tin Can (medium or large vegetable cans)
Printed Snack Label
1. Cut a piece of burlap and wrap around a recycled empty can with a piece of twine to create your “sack”.
2. Using label (sticker) paper, cut out your printed Snack Sack label and stick to “sack”.
3. Fill with peanuts, popcorn or any other snack you like best.
Beer Bottle
Supplies needed:
Favorite Beer
Printed Drink Wrap
Scissors/Paper Trimmer
1. Remove beer labels from bottles
2. Trim the drink wrap label and adhere to bottle using either tape or sticky label paper.
3. Put on ice in drink bucket for guests to enjoy.
Need a football treat idea? Watch this cute video of Maureen to learn how to make chocolate football candy.
If you need the perfect Chili recipe for your next football party, click here for one of my favorite recipes.
Have fun creating a fabulous football party for your friends and family during our upcoming fall season! Go Bucks and War Damn Eagle!