Are you prepared for Tooth Fairy night? I wasn’t!
My son, Jeffrey, lost his tooth this week and so (being the detail obsessed person I am), I stayed up until 1 in the morning scrambling to find the perfect way to hide his “reward” under his pillow. I have been begging Adria for the last year to work on a Tooth Fairy theme with me and this was the perfect excuse.
I ended up designing this Printable Tooth Fairy Card and Pocket Envelope design. It is the perfect size to fit a folded bill (or two!) and the right size for The Tooth Fairy to secretly hide under your little one’s pillow.
Yes, there is a TAD of pink on the printable, but only a touch and but the Tooth Fairy is a girl so that only made sense 😉 So, this is gender neutral!
You may have seen the Ruff Draft that Adria shared yesterday on how to make a Tooth Fairy Wand (in a few minutes!) Pair that with our printable Tooth Fairy Card and Pocket Envelope and your little one will be squealing with joy!
Print, trim and fill out the little card with the following info (and add a few buckeroonies) and seal the envelope pocket shut. Done and done. You can print and use every time your little one’s tooth falls out! (We even customize it with your child’s name so it looks really “official”)
Find the Customized Printable Tooth Fairy Card & Pocket Envelope in the shop for $9.50!
Beautiful.. i have stayed up scrambling like this… great to know where to find it.
I am SOOOO excited. Is it wrong that I want to yank out one of his teeth so we can do this now. lol.
so pretty!!!
It is pretty and a neat idea. But in this economy, I think it is a little pricey. Just an honest opinion. (I could buy a lot of teeth for that price.)
I think this is super adorable! I’ll have to remember this when my little ones start loosing teeth. A friend of mine just posted a little note her daughter left for the tooth fairy when she lost her LAST baby tooth a few days ago. She told the tooth fairy she’d miss her visits. I thought it was so adorable. Just an idea….maybe you can add to this collection notes from the kid to the tooth fairy and save their notes in their scrapbook. 🙂