Sneak Peak- Martha Stewart – Dreamers Into Doers Event

{Sneak Peak} From our most AMAZING trip yet!!!
If any of you have been watching facebook/twitter, you should know by now that Maureen & I were able to attend the Martha Stewart Dreamers into Doers Event this week.
We flew out Monday night to be able to attend her conference and a live taping of her show (Tuesday and Wednesday of this week).

Here are a couple sneak peaks from our trip – We will have a full write-up on Monday (1.24), with more photos from the live taping, and conference so you can see all of the FABULOUS women we met this week.

These are just a few “fun” photos to share….
Maureen and I ready for “take-off” on the plane Monday night…. (Maureen gets motion-sickness on planes – and those little puke-bags were designed just for her)… sorry M, had to tell everyone – it’s just too funny

Here we are at the live taping…. waiting to go into the studio!

Martha talking to the audience during the show…
Martha speaking at the conference….

Stay tuned for more on our Martha Stewart Dreamers Into Doers Event!

1 Comment

  1. Oh my word, you were in teh front row! Able to see her fabulous shoes! I want a full shoe report đŸ™‚ Cant wait to hear more!

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