AR Workshop Turnersville is Now Open in New Jersey

New Jersey! We hope you’re ready for us, because AR Workshop has officially opened in your state! We are excited to welcome AR Workshop Turnersville to our expanding family of workshop locations around the country! As of March 2nd, the doors officially opened and our first NJ location was born! The Turnersville workshop, is located at: 5501 Route […]


AR Workshop Newtown is Now Open in Pennsylvania

We are giddy to announce the opening of AR Workshop Newtown! Located in Pennsylvania at 2324 2nd St. Pike, Suite 120, Newtown, PA 18940, new owner, Rebecca Nehrbas is thrilled to welcome you to her DIY home decor studio! You’ll love the variety of classes offered. You can click here to check out the AR Workshop Newtown schedule! […]


AR Workshop Greensboro is now open in Greensboro, NC!

We are excited to announce the opening of AR Workshop Greensboro! AR Workshop Greensboro (located at 1801 Pembroke Road, Greensboro, NC 27408) is owned by Missi Steele-Martin.  Click here to check out the AR Workshop Greensboro schedule! Missi Steele Martin’s construction background and career in interior design make her a perfect match for owning AR Workshop […]


AR Workshop Raleigh is Now Open in NC

  A month ago, AR Workshop Raleigh opened for the public in North Carolina. New owner, Kasey Wright, has been busy ever since! Maureen and Adria had a blast attending the grand opening and are so excited to see Anders Ruff Workshop expanding in the state! We are thrilled for Kasey,a long time DIY lover. Launching a new location […]


My Fall Living Room Decor with Budget Blinds Curtains (and AR Workshop fall signs of course!)

“I am so glad we live in a world where there are Octobers.”  I love that quote. Adria designed this and I created the fall wood sign for my fall mantle in my family room. (You can create one, too, at a class at AR Workshop!) My favorite thing about Octobers is the chance to […]


A Virtual Tour of Anders Ruff Workshop

Eek! You know the saying, “If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough”? Well, this dream was a big one, 6 years in the making! In June 2016, Maureen and Adria of Anders Ruff Custom Designs opened their own boutique DIY workshop, appropriately named Anders Ruff Workshop. Their vision was to use their design […]


DIY Wood Signs from AR Workshop on Live TV – Charlotte Today at 11 am

Adria and Maureen were so excited to go back on Charlotte Today with Colleen Odegaard and Eugene Robinson.  Today, featuring AR Workshop, they showed how to create a simple fall DIY wood signs using scrap wood and some basic techniques. For some of their more boutique styled wood signs, be sure to check out their […]


AR Workshop Boutique DIY Studio coming to Greensboro, North Carolina!

Hi everyone! I am sorry that it has been a tad quiet on the blog.  Adria and I have been swamped with our new DIY Boutique Workshop, AR Workshop, that we opened a couple months ago in downtown Pineville, NC. I wanted to announce some exciting news about a NEW AR Workshop licensed location coming […]


Michigan Welcomes AR Workshop Northville

Combine art classes with a DIY workshop and wine, and you’ll get something more exciting than you bargained for–an amazingly fun outing with friends and loved ones learning to make swoon-worthy home décor pieces with your own two hands! AR Workshop Northville combines those 3 things (wine, DIY, and art classed) and opened in Michigan at 42991 Seven Mile […]


Brynne’s 14th birthday party at AR Workshop DIY Boutique Studio

We are so excited to share the first birthday party we had at our NEW AR Workshop DIY studio downtown Pineville, NC. I’m not sure if you saw our announcement, but Adria and I just launched and opened a boutique DIY Workshop in downtown Pineville, NC.  We have been behind the screen for 6 1/2 […]


A Peek into AR Workshop DIY Studio

  Adria and I announced last week that we opened a brand new DIY Boutique Workshop in downtown Pineville, NC.  For many years we have been doing Party DIY projects on our blog.  Anders Ruff Workshop brings on-trend decor workshop format classes in an inspiring and stylish boutique atmosphere! Our workshops feature step by step […]


HUGE NEWS! OPENING AR Workshop – A DIY Boutique Workshop Downtown Pineville

My heart skips a beat just writing this.   We have got some news and a BIG change for Anders Ruff!  Adria and I could not be more excited to announce our NEW DIY Boutique Workshop (Anders Ruff Workshop) that we are opening in downtown Pineville, NC!  (Find us on Facebook and Instagram) We have had […]
