Today we are excited to have one of our wonderful sponsors guest posting… I can’t believe I am late at posting this tip! I had great intentions of sharing this before Christmas, but this will be helpful no matter what!
Sandy, of Firefly Confections, is sharing how to package cookies for shipping. That is a GREAT tip for Christmas cookies and also for year round shipping of treats, which I am sure many of you do for holidays like Valentine’s Day, Easter, etc.
So here is Sandy to share her tips!
“How to package cookies for shipping:
It’s that time of year again when care packages of Christmas Cheer (aka – tins of cookies) are being shipped around the globe.
It might seem like a simple thing to do but, more often than not, poorly packaged sugar cookies arrive at their destination broken.
Here is the simplest way to pack cookies so that they arrive intact.
First, make sure your cookies are individually wrapped. They don’t have to be wrapped in cello bags with ribbon (as mine are), plastic wrap works as well. Just make sure each decorated cookie is by itself.
Next, start with a clean tin or box and place a layer of bubble wrap on the bottom:
Then place a layer of tissue paper over the bubble wrap:
Then place your first layer of cookies. Make sure they are flat and not over lapping (in my case only 2 cookies fit). Then lay a piece of bubble wrap over the cookies,
And another layer of cookies. Repeat until the cookie tin or box top fits without touching.
Finally top with just enough crinkle shred paper to make sure the cookies do not shift with in the tin.
Think of the way you would pack your dishes when you move. Cookies are as equally fragile, and the slighted shift within its box can cause breakage.
I recommend that you keep stronger flavors like mint and anise boxed separately as other cookies will start to take on those flavors after being confined with them.
I hope this helps!
Happy holidays,
Thank you for sharing, Sandy! Visit Sandy’s website at Firefly Confections.… beautiful and delicious cookies!