It’s a BIRD…It’s a PLANE. No, it’s ADULTS celebrating a birthday “Super Hero“-style using Anders Ruff’s Vintage Super Hero printables!
I mean let’s be honest, what adult doesn’t want to get their “BOOM“, “POW” and ‘WHAM” on? We can’t let the kids have all the fun!
While looking at pictures on Facebook, I ran across a surprise “Super Hero” themed birthday party my friend Monica hosted for another friend, Sara. Unfortunately, they both live 800 miles away, otherwise you better believe I would’ve been sportin’ a super hero cape hand-sewn by Monica and sharing my ‘super secret powers’ at the party.
You may remember the incredible Super Hero themed party thrown by Maureen for her son, Pierson. It was full of the most incredible details.
Inspired by that party, Monica got in touch with Anders Ruff and had them create a custom invitation and photobooth signs to add some unexpected fun to the surprise party. (Monica is a Martha in the making. She can sew, she can cook, she can bake. She probably really does have x-ray vision, and I’m pretty certain I’ve seen her leap tall buildings in a single bound!) She created custom birthday capes and the photo booth cityscape background (along with her fiancé, Trever). Anders Ruff’s printable photo booth props added the perfect finishing touch!
Anders Ruff Custom Designs: Vintage Super Hero Printables
Monica Bradshaw (Sook Ee Designs): Super Hero capes, cityscape photobooth backdrop, styling