Get your sea legs ready me mates as we and set sail for a journey of pure Pirate Paradise! Yolanda of Kiss Me Kate has once again managed to capture the perfect Pirate atmosphere with our pirate printables where eye patches and wooden legs would most definitely fit right in. Yet a bit of sweetness and innocence remains for a pirate celebrating his first birthday with all his sea sailing mates. Land lubbers made to walk the plank at this party definitely missed out on party perfection done in a way that only Kiss Me Kate can make happen!
Be sure to follow us on Pinterest as we pin fabulous party ideas, including more ideas for Pirate Parties!
Pirate cupcakes and cake pops, and treasure map cookies – Blimey, that’s a lot of adorable goodness. There were also chocolate candies, chocolate gold coins, cupcakes with gold treasure beads on top, and macaroons. If that’s a pirates life then a pirates life’s for me! Yolanda and Kate always add so much depth to their dessert tables with props like the treasure maps under the cupcakes, ropes draped through the goodies, compasses, and binoculars. It adds so much to the theme and the overall look and one of the many reasons they’re able to capture a theme with so much intensity.
In the mix was enough creep factor to keep little Pirate Derricks loot safe. Grave stones to mourn those who have walked the plank, skulls galore, skeleton goblets, and black candelabras decorated the display table.
Cute little party favor boxes sent guests off with chocolaty goodness and a sweet Thanks!
Fabulous job, Yolanda! What an amazing job you did bringing this theme to life!
Check out all of our Pirate printables in our shop here!
Be sure to follow us on Pinterest as we pin fabulous party ideas, including more ideas for Pirate Parties!
Styling and Concept: Yolanda Cerra of Kiss Me Kate
Printable Invitation & Accessories: Anders Ruff