I shared Jeffrey’s Vintage Detective Party last week, and I promised that I was going to show you guys how to make these easy Chocolate Pencil Pretzels (or is it chocolate pretzel pencils?) Either way! We shared the Detective magnifying Glass cookies yesterday and now, to share the easiest of all ease! These are the perfect easy treats to make for a detective party OR for back to school gifts for teachers….
You could use these chocolate pencil treats for a back to school party, Vintage schoolhouse party, spy party, arts and crafts party or artist party…. So many uses and themes!
We used these chocolate pencil pretzels in little mesh pencil holders and on mini clip boards at our Detective Party!
Oh, and you’ll have to check back in a few hours to see how we presented them as teacher gifts, too!
– Black, Yellow, Orange and Pink Melting Chocolate
– Pretzel Rods
– Piping Containers (Much easier than bags! This is our “go to” FAVORITE set that we use for icing, drizzling chocolate and more!)
– Optional: Black Royal Icing (Make according to your meringue powder recipe) or you can use the black melting chocolate!
1) Melt your yellow melting chocolates on a plate. Melt in the microwave. I add a tad of coconut oil to make the chocolate blend better and more smooth. Mic for 30 seconds at a time and stir in between.
2) Roll the pretezel in the chocolate, and use a spoon to be sure to get the chocolate all the way up to near the end. Leave about 1/2″ not covered. (This will be where the pink eraser comes in and its a good “handle” so you don’t get covered in yellow chocolate!)
3) Shake off excess chocolate by tapping gently on the plate. It helps to smooth it out, too!…..
4) Set on a cookie cooling rack to dry with a baking sheet under. (We add tin foil for less mess!)
5) Once the yellow chocolate is dry (about 15 minutes), you can melt a mixture of orange and pink melting chocolates. Erasers have a bit of orange and a bit of pink, so we like to make our own custom color! You could just use pink or orange, though (but I like to make things difficult for myself! ha!)
6) Dip the tip of the pretzel that hasn’t been covered in chocolate yet into the pink chocolate. Eraser – DONE!
7) Let cool….
8) Next, you are going to want to make Black Royal Icing (easy with meringue powder) OR use black melting chocolate.
9) Fill piping containers (we love these)
10) You now want to pipe two thin black bands near the eraser, a “2” and then a little oval in the middle of the pencil
Let dry and DONE! Pierson thinks they deserve a thumbs up!
How easy and precious can you get!? These detective party treats were a HUGE hit! Kids couldn’t believe they weren’t real pencils!
Did you enjoy this tutorial? We’d love you to leave us a comment for your feedback!
Be sure to check out the Full Detective Party here! Oh, and check out the Magnifying Glass Cookie tutorial here.
More fabulous Boy Party Ideas & Themes:
– Comic Book Super hero Party
– Ninja Party
– Lego Party
– Retro Bowling Party
– Choo Choo Train Party
– Vintage Milk & Cookies Party
– Star Wars Party
Thanks to Michelle Kujawski Photography for the professional photos of the finished detective cookies!