Today we wanted to invite you into our little Snow White Inspired Fairy Tale World to show you how we turned simple party logos into Chair Back Embellishments.
We love finding new ways to spruce up party logos! This time we added princess elements of tulle & silk ribbons to give it a more royal look.
Supplies needed:
1 1/2″ wide silk ribbon (colors of your choice) (Ribbon will be used for Bottom Ribbon, and flower petal)
Needle, thread, scissors
Tulle – cut into strips of 2″ x 24″ long
4″ wide doilies
Hot glue
Printed & cut party logos from our Snow White Inspired Fairy Tale Collection
1. Measure chair, or item you are attaching this to, for bottom ribbon length (set aside)
2. Take your precut strips of tulle and fan-fold
3. Using a doily as the base, spread fan a little while, pinching tulle in the center. Hot glue it to the center of the doily (we just manipulated the tulle into the center of the glue – but be careful… glue is hot, and easily seeps through tulle)
4. While tulle is drying, cut another silk ribbon to 9″ long.
5. Using your thread & needle, loosely stitch along one edge of the ribbon – leave thread on each side, and pull ribbon to gather.
6. Once ribbon is gathered, stitch ends together to make a circular flower petal.
7. Using a hot iron, press ribbon to make creases in flower petal (it also helps flatten it for the logo)
8. Take another doily and hot glue to top of tulle
9. Glue ribbon flower petal to top of second doily
10. Glue precut logo onto flower petal
11. Tape silk ribbon to chair, and hot glue embellished party logo into place
You can also just use the top layer (doily #2, silk flower petal and party logo) for cupcake toppers (or apple toppers in this case)
Glue top layer onto sticks – these extra little steps turn a basic party logo into a royal affair!
You can find all of the Snow White inspired printables in our shop here.
Do you see something from this party that you have questions about? Write in, and maybe it will be featured on our next Ruff Draft.
To see full party details, click here.
May I know how did you do the backdrop frame? And how is the photo frame hung together with the backdrop frame?
Thank you.
We used a big board and hung the frame by hooking it with wire and wrapped it around a nail that was behind the backdrop. Hope that helps!