A few weeks ago, I showed you how to make yarn poms… Well, today we are going to show you another trick using yarn poms. We just loved incorporating them into our recent Monogram Baby Shower Collection and thought you would like to see how easy it is to take a yarn pom and turn it into a flower!
Yarn Pom (see Ruff Draft tutorial for DIY)
Green pipe cleaners
Green yarn
First lay the pom string in between the two pipe cleaners (tie on a longer string to pom if needed)
Next put a piece of tape around the 3 pieces to hold together
Once tape is secured, add your green yarn (tape on again, in the opposite direction)
Last, twist your green yarn around all 4 pieces (pom yarn, two pipe cleaners, and green yarn start) starting at the top of the stem, until you have it to desired length. Tie off green yarn at the bottom.
Add them to a vase with marshmallow pops, and you have the perfect floral bouquet!
If you want to see more DIY projects from this photoshoot, you can read the full article here on Hostess with the Mostess!
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